
  1. S

    License period expired exception on Amazon (pay-as-you-go) license

    We're getting this error on both our servers. The license method is pay as you go so how come we get this error? Please fix this ASAP because all Flashphoner servers on AWS are not working 15:15:00,781 ERROR MediaHandler - API-ASYNC-pool-7-thread-1 publishStream exception...
  2. F

    RTSP failure for ICE timeout

    Sorry Max, but I'm having trouble playing the streams again. Streams fail with stream.getInfo method returning 'Failed by ICE timeout'. I did change my file and ec2 inbound rules and theses are my configurations now. Everything seemed to work just fine but now, I...
  3. S

    AWS EC2 Flashphoner image Yum update failed

    Just launched an Amazon EC2 AMI with Flashphoner license. It started and is running but when trying to sudo yum update the instance, I get the following error: Transaction Summary...
  4. S

    How to setup Web call server5

    Hi, I have setup Web Call Server 5 on EC2 from AWS Marketplace. My server has created with private IP but latter I have attached Elastic IP. However, I am not able to access control panel and demo page. https://Elastic_IP:8888 Please help in the setup. Thanks,
  5. KaranBhansali91

    Origin edge server setup

    Hi, As mentioned here have completed setup of origin edge server. Using the command ssh -p 2001 localhost or ssh -p 2001 admin@localhost on the edge server , it does not connect. The credentials are same as the web interface , correct ? Attached below screenshot
  6. E

    AWS Marketplace Instance isssue

    Hi, I'm running the Flashphoner webcallserver AMI instance with built in license on AWS - am able to SSH in to the server no problem but my browser refuses to connect to the locallhost:8888 have followed all your online instructions but no luck - any ideas what might be stoppng the connection...
  7. P

    CDN в kubernetes

    Доброго времени суток. Искал информацию по поводу развёртывания WCS в kubernetes, нашёл только второстепенные упоминания в нескольких тредах. Потому задам интересующие вопросы отдельно. Есть ли какие-то данные по поводу поддержки WCS CDN в k8s и сопутствующего автомасштабирования? Какие-то...
  8. T

    GCP and AWS Licensing

    Hello We've been testing and deploying the WCS to the Google Cloud Platform and I have a question about licensing. We currently use AWS to deploy EC2 instances of the WCS using the AMI provided by you in the AWS Marketplace...
  9. T

    Streams handling

    We bought WCS AMI from aws of type t3.medium , we are using for Ip camera streaming.How many cameras we can handle with one WCS server.
  10. I

    Поддержка инстансов AWS

    Здравствуйте. 1. Правильно понимаю, что архитектура Arm не поддерживается и не планируется? Т.е. переход на инстансы типа a1 невозможен? 2. Поддерживается ли работа на инстансах типа m6i?
  11. sumitmitra25

    VOD to Live Stream

    USE CASE : where user will schedule a VOD content for Live Streaming. we are doing post request to this endpoint with following payload: Example endpoint ( ----> /rest-api/vod/startup Payload : { "uri":"vod-live://s3/s3bucket/s3filename"...
  12. Y

    Unable to login as admin

    Hi, I have an WCS at AWS and I can't login to the admin account with the user/pass of admin/<ec2-instance-id> This instance is created from an AMI that was created from an AWS marketplace WCS. [1] How can I login to the admin account? [2] Is there a way to replace the current SSL certificate...
  13. T

    WebCallServer start not working with EFS mount

    Hello We're having trouble deploying the latest version of the WebCallServer (5.2.944) on AWS. When deploying a WebCallServer, we also mount Amazon's EFS to the records directory so that we can have multiple WebCallServers sharing the same network file system. However when deploying the...
  14. D

    WCS EC2 Flashphoner crash

    Hi all, I'm using flashphoner perfectly from some months now. It all works good, and I installed the SSL certificate successfully. Unfortunately, I'm facing an issue some times. The istance in AWS looks fine and "running" but I can't connect to...
  15. G

    Configuration WCS livestream up to 300 streams ON AWS EC2

    Hello. I use WCS on AWS service, And I have one question to ask. How can I config WCS on AWS service to livestream up to 300 streams in one time ? Also, I want to know recommend package for up to 200 livestreams that I should use for WCS on AWS service. Please advice. Gain
  16. Pin

    Problem with WCS on AWS E2

    Hi, First, I'm newbie on AWS. I have setup EC2 with Elastic IP and new domain name. Both are work as normal, it can access from the internet. But, I have problem on Streamer menu after Start, it runing the error "Failed by ICE timeout" Here is all allowed inbound ports. Please advice...
  17. D

    SSL certification on EC2 for AWS

    Hello, I'm trying to install a SSL certificate to my application. I can acess to it from . When I try to create a certificate for the server "" it ask me for a email validation to...
  18. Y

    Running WCS 5.2.912

    I'm trying to run WCS 5.2.912 on AWS EC2 in order to try reproduce an issue we had. I tried to do it in 2 ways: [1] Use an instance of older/newer version available in AWS marketplace and upgrade it to 912 [2] Use a clean ubuntu instance and install 5.2.912 on it. In both cases, I end up with...
  19. PinoRossi

    Advice on EC2 plan to support video calls for 300 concurrent users.

    Hello there, I have this necessity, embed 6 ways video conference room in a game room project. There will be 2000 users daily, so I guess we can consider 200/400 concurrent video calls (in 6 players rooms). What kind of EC2 cut would you suggest? Or would you suggest other solutions? Cheers Pino
  20. J

    Launching Flashphoner server in AWS Auto Scaling Group

    I would like to find out whats the best way to create auto scaling group in AWS to host Flashphoner instances behind a load balancer, questions like: a) how to configure load balancer? Determine in flow request by port 8443? b) How to apply license on scaled instances?