media ports

  1. F

    RTSP failure for ICE timeout

    Sorry Max, but I'm having trouble playing the streams again. Streams fail with stream.getInfo method returning 'Failed by ICE timeout'. I did change my file and ec2 inbound rules and theses are my configurations now. Everything seemed to work just fine but now, I...
  2. F

    [WebSDK] Fail to pull rtsp stream

    Hi I'm trying to make a website with several rtsp streams played at the same time. As is in the demos, I am using WebSDK and create stream with rtsp uri as stream name. Unfortunately, I'm having trouble pulling rtsp streams time to time. Oddly, I can play my rtsp stream on VLC player, but...
  3. A

    Publish error

    Hi I am trying to run the video chat demo page but receiving the publish failed error pls chk the picture and assist .. What other ports needs the permission Thnx Arif
  4. hyuk

    Media port recycle

    Hi, Is there a way to reduce the time occupying the media port when streaming? For security reasons, only about 200 media_ports were being used. I tested iteratively with 3 devices by myself. At some point, an error stating that there are no remaining ports occurred, and further testing was not...
  5. J

    open ports and firewall

    Hi We are using Flashphoner. My developer has opened Ports 30 000 - 33 000 to facilitate livestreaming. The company who provides security for the site says that their firewall cannot be configured to protect our sites anymore because of the open ports. What is the solution? Thanks!
  6. kip9696

    About the ports that need to be opened behind the firewall

    I am configuring a server behind a firewall udp range changed to 20000-25000 and service ports(ex 8080, 8888 more....) opened Mainly used module is rtsp to Webrtc But I cant receive webrtc video When all ports are open, I can receive Video But When closed except that port, I just receive...
  7. S

    Работа с фонером на устройстве с анонимным прокси.

    Приветствую! Есть проблема: приложение использует android sdk и запускается в приватной сети, с фильтрацией трафика посредством прокси на основе squid. Также был испробован в качестве прокси proxysg. В прокси пропилены дырки для необходимых портов и доменов до flashphoner сервера (wcs, media...
  8. paulishuku

    New to this, trying to stream my RTSP network feed.

    I've been following the tutorial on how to add my network camera to the stream via RTSP. I can connect to my external rtsp link via VLC, and so can others outside my network who have tested so i know the port forwarding is working. However, when i launch the aws instance and connect through the...
  9. W

    Масштабирование, конфигурация сервера

    Добрый день. Делаем площадку для проведения вебинаров, столкнулись с проблемами масштабирования. Когда кол-во пользователей стало превышать 1к подключений, увеличили диапазон портов, в документации сказано что диапазон не должен пересекаться с используемыми портами в системе, в разных темах вы...
  10. R

    Publish Error

    Hello! We receive an error while attempt to start stream: No Free Ports Avaiable. Server is a 16 Cores, 1000 Mbps bandwidth At moment of error, we got 300 mbps throughtput and +- 100 users connected.