
  1. motipa

    Reconnecting issue

    When reconnecting web call server from Obs we are getting issues. 1. stream already in use exception 2. Could not access the specified channel or steam key, please double check your stream key. if it is correct, there may be a problem connecting to the server. Please help to assist to fix...
  2. T

    Фризы в Full HD

    Даже не совсем фризы, а дёрганье изображения туда-сюда. На wcs видео отправляется из obs через rtmp, в браузере проигрывается по WebRtc, при запуске транскодинга в 720 лаги уходят, но качество картинки и входящий трафик соответствуют 480. если принудительно запустить транскодинг через...
  3. E

    Прыгает картинка и звук при RTMP трансляции

    Доброго времени суток, проигрываю в плеере RTMP поток, который транслирую на сервер flashphonera через obs - https://docs.flashphoner.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=9241508#id-ВплеерепоRTMP-Известныепроблемы Проблема в следующем: картинка и звук прыгают/колеблются(приложил видеофайл для...
  4. R

    Vmix vs OBS - RTMP

    Hello! If we stream from VMIX, we got audio first .. later image. If we stream from OBS, audio & video are sync. Both streams are 0 losts and we monitor it 4 hours. Everytime SYNC AUDIO from VMIX is in front of video and OBS audio & video sync are floating ... sometimes audio is first...
  5. domi91c

    WebRTC to RTMP: Reducing latency

    I recently setup WCS5 on an AWS micro instance. My web app allows two users to have a conversation through WebRTC, and I'm sending one side of that conversation to Flashphoner to be converted in real-time to an RTMP stream, which I then feed into OBS as a Media Source. From the web app to OBS...
  6. smartbet

    OBS unable to reconnect after internet lose

    When there an internet issue, OBS studio still alive, but when internet reconnects it freezes stream, we are unable to start ,stop obs and reconnect to stream, the solution is only by restarting webcallserver and reconnect to stream again. Those leads OBS studio crash.
  7. M

    OBS stream via RTMP very slow and deconnecting in player

    Hi, I set up a Webcallserver with the AWS template. Have a remote server with OBS running streaming 1280x720@30 fps Internet is very good on all device. But when I enter the information on the player It take a few second to load the stream. I a can see a frame then another a few second after...
  8. W

    WebRTC, WSPlayer automatic stop playing stream every minute

    We have issue when playing WebRTC,WSPlayer player in embed player demo for around 1-2 minutes, the playing stream always report status disconnected or failed. Additional Information 1. WebCallServer version 5.2.591 (Upgrade yesterday) 2. OBS newest version is broadcaster and stream as rtmp://...