rest api

  1. gjmptw

    Encrypting the Stream URL when using Embed player

    I want to be able to encrypt the Stream URL when using the Embed player feature. As I tried to do it by obfuscating the js code etc, but if any network sniffer is used, the sent websocket packets shows the stream url in plain text. here is an example. I was thinking if there is a way to modify...
  2. ajayalag1974

    Filter Rest API Streams & Terminate by Custom Data

    Hi, In backend with Rest API I want to query & terminate streams by custom data as posted from client side while creating session or creating stream. I want to implement a security where with 1 token only 1 session is going on (1 token = 1 viewer), above will help in that. Ideally wouldn't...
  3. B

    Control when a stop sign

    Hello. How could I control to open several rtsp signals during a certain period and if any stops, do I need to register with a bank for notification control?
  4. ajayalag1974

    Stop inactive published RTMP streams which are auto published on demand using FFMpeg

    Hi, I have written my web server code which when user visits the streaming page checks if streaming exist by name via "/rest-api/stream/find", if not it publishes rtmp stream using ffmpeg command, command is executed via child_process spawn method in nodejs (ffmpeg -re -i...
  5. S

    Данные, получаемые через websocket

    Добрый день, наша интеграция с манго оффис работает через флэшфоннер и websocket к манго на клиентской стороне, чтобы получать события по звонку. Можем ли мы собития по звонку с детализацией получать от флэшфоннера? Максимум, что на текущий момент выжимаем из флэшфоннера - это номер телефона и...
  6. L

    Capturing VOD from a file

    Hi I am trying to implement a feature that lets me add a stream a VOD file to a mixer, however I wold like to also add the functionality to pause the video stream and start it from the beginning when its tie to push it into the mixer Is this possible? Thank you in advance for your response...
  7. P

    REST-API Authorization

    Howdy, on this page it is described how to turn on authorisation for rest apis. I was searching but couldn't find an example on how to use "authorised" rest api calls. Without any params I'm getting...
  8. A

    Черный экран после обновления страницы

    Добрый день. Ведущий запускает трансляцию. Слушатель видит трансляцию. Если ведущий обновит страницу, слушатель видит черный экран, только после повторного обновления страницы ведущим, слушатель снова видит трансляцию. Логи приложил
  9. S

    missing videoCodec item in json

    Sometimes there's no videoCodec item in the returned json of rest-api/stream/find, although there is videostream. As far as I can see, this only happens when the videostream is 'pending', but I'm not sure. It would be preferable however if the videoCodec item was still listed but empty or set...
  10. hyuk

    Disconnecting the client's video connection on the server side

    Hi, Is there a way to disconnect the client from the server side? What I want is to disconnect users connected to a specific room from the server side regardless of the client's will.
  11. S

    VOD to Live Stream

    Hi Max, We have one use-case where user will schedule a VOD content for Live Streaming, How we can initialize a transponder with a VOD link ? Can you please help ?
  12. I

    Поток не добавился в микшер.

    Здравствуйте. Версия - 5.2.1054 Полного файла отчета, к сожалению, нет, только логи сервера (прикладываю) Стрим шел около 49 минут. После 23:52 один из пользователей пропадает из микшированного потока, по прошествии примерно половины минуты его оригинальный поток публикуется (остальные...
  13. D

    MCU Client Publish

    Does anyone have any experience getting the publish side of this to work using a POST after starting the stream?
  14. D


    I'm running the MCU client example: Seems to work nicely, but where / how can I see the output mosaic published through RTMP? I do not see any docs explaining where to find this on Flashphone's site...
  15. wyvasi

    Snapshot timeout

    Hello, I am getting this warning every few times I try to get a snapshot and it returns status 500. Can I increase the timeout or do something about this? WARN RestStreamController - HTTPS-pool-5-thread-347 Snapshot response timeout
  16. evgeniy.mukhin

    Зависание микшированного потока

    Добрый день. С толкнулись с проблемой, что у зрителя зависает микшированный поток, если ведущий у себя перезагружает вкладку. После перезагрузки страницы у зрителя поток возобновляется
  17. T

    Question about the Rest-api to connect rtsp link.

    I use the rest api on server to connect a rtsp link using https://XXXXXXXXXXXXX/rest-api/rtsp/startup for example: body: { "uri":"rtsp://abc:pwd@XXXXXXXX:554/v1", "localStreamName": "test1" } After testing, whether it is success to connect the rtsp or not, it will also return http 200. so...
  18. Jaj

    Unable to connect to server - Websocket connection to server failed

    I have a trial version of WCS installed on an Amazon EC2 instance running Ubuntu 18 (Not through the marketplace) Letsencrypt SSL installed Server working fine with all the demos running as expected port 8443 open (Screenshot attached) Server listening on 8443 (Again, screenshot attached) When...
  19. T

    RTSP to Webrtc to stream, but can i send text to the broswer at the same time? Thanks

    I am using Live555 to generate the rtsp link for the WCS to connect (RSTP to Webrtc), but i also want to send the coordinate of a Rectangle or some text, so that i can draw it on the video on broswer, how could i do it? and the drawing need to synchronized with the video in time?
  20. R

    запись миксера

    У вас реализвана запись стримов, а как записать микшер все потоки?