
  1. M

    Error on start server "Can not load library libx264.so.157"

    Hello We are updating our flashphoner instances in baremetal servers, to version 5.2.1536, running Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) . When running in standalone mode, just to check the logs, we are seeing this message in all servers: user@host:/$ sudo...
  2. P

    after update can't start wcs again

    Hello, I updated flashphoner wcs using this documentation: https://docs.flashphoner.com/display/WCS52EN/Checking+for+updates after successfully update, I couldn't start again.
  3. S

    Latest version not available via Amazon marketplace (only 5.2.944-systemd246 available)

    Hi I wanted to install the latest version, but the only version that i can run on the Amazon marketplace is 5.2.944 The link that i use is: https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/prodview-krjasnhnkwyfu Best, Thomas
  4. S

    syntax error when updating webcallserver

    [ec2-user@ip-xxx-xx-xx-xx tools]$ sudo service webcallserver update >>> New version available: 5.2.971 >>> Your version: 5.2.927 >>> Version 5.2.971 is available, try to update >>> You have to stop FlashphonerWebCallServer before update. >>> Stop now [yes/no] ? yes FlashphonerWebCallServer...
  5. Mik

    Баг-репорт по обновлению сервера 5.2.789 > 5.2.901

    1. При обновлении не поменялся systemd файл webcallserver.service, в нём остались строки: User=root Group=root Из-за этого pid и логи создавались от root'a. 2. Не баг, но можно было бы встроить проверку или уведомление о том, что нужно перемонтировать /hugepages от flashphoner пользователя.
  6. K

    Dynamic MCU mixer layout

    Hello, We are developing a live meeting app, where meeting host can speak on their own or give a word to one of several participants (only one at a time). Thus, mixer stream can contain either single host stream or host and single participant streams. In the first case host stream must be full...
  7. Dani

    Webcallserver update hanged.

    Webcall server update got hanged. It looks like it hanged with process chgrp running. hitting break on the process - and running update again - says it's already up to date. but - now - it can only be started at /usr/local/FlashPhonerWebCAlServer/bin/webcallserver start trying to start though...
  8. U

    Streaming FAILED

    1. Описание проблемы: - сценарий использования сервера - видеочат - признаки проблемы - не публикуется видео - откуда публикуется поток - не публикуется видео снимаемое с web-камеры, которая транслирует в браузер, это проверялось в ОС Windows 10, в браузерах Google Chrome и Opera. - чем играется...
  9. semen1976

    апдейт на aws

    есть инстанс на авс с плеером как правильно его обновить до последней версии?
  10. I

    AWS устаревшая версия

    Здравствуйте. Мои админы говорят, что на AWS (Amazon Marketplace Hourly License) установлена устаревшая версия, и поставить новее невозможно. Вы не обновляете? Можете обновить до последней?
  11. M

    Update the WCS Server

    Hi Everyone, I finally get the perfect setup for my server. Now I need to do an update and I don't want to break either my properties config file or the certificates that I manually imported. What would be the best way to update in order to keep all my setting as it was. I'm updating from...
  12. sangsoo

    WCS cannot be updated.

    Hi Max~ WCS cannot be updated. Webcallserver update fails now (with image). WCS server uses 14+ units in Amazon (standard 13, trial 1+), but the same symptom occurs in the tested server. Each server has a slightly different version of WCS. The webcallserver files in the bin folder and...
  13. S

    Update not working

    Hi, We have 2 Flashphoner servers. One on AWS and one on a physical server. The one on AWS updates to the latest Flashphoner version using the webcallserver update command. The other one doesn't. [root@vmXXXX ~]# sudo service webcallserver update >>> You have latest version...