Inject Video in stream should start playing from 10 second forward


New Member
i am using flashphoner REST API and adding video in stream via "/rest-api/stream/inject2/startup" API. i need to play video 10 second forward. for example video length is of 50 seconds, when video added into stream should start playing from 10 second instead of 0 second.


Staff member
We assume you ask about

Inject-VOD feature

If you are doing this way, video VOD (mp4) will be injected from the first key frame.

This is how to inject from 10 th second:

1. /vod/startup

Launch the VOD stream as "stream1"

2. Pause 10 seconds.

3. /stream/inject/startup

Inject stream1 > main

Please note. This way has a low precision +- seconds.

To inject strictly 10th second with high precision less than 500ms, we have to implement seek over injected video. We will add a ticket.