Not Enough bandwidth


New Member
Hi All,
I have some issue with WCS as below:

WCS Vers. 5.1.3704

Cloud Server:
Centos 7
Cpu: 1 core
Ram: 4 G
Bandwidth: 10 Mbps

additional setting in :


We are testing one video (1280 x 720) it's run smoothly with WebRTC for a week then it's suddenly appear "Not Enough Bandwidth" even for only 1 viewer.
The Websocket player also run slower.

Not enough bandwidth, consider using lower video resolution or bitrate. Bandwidth 0 bitrate 83
player.js:161 Not enough bandwidth, consider using lower video resolution or bitrate. Bandwidth 93 bitrate 206
player.js:161 Not enough bandwidth, consider using lower video resolution or bitrate. Bandwidth 100 bitrate 116
player.js:161 Not enough bandwidth, consider using lower video resolution or bitrate. Bandwidth 100 bitrate 78
player.js:161 Not enough bandwidth, consider using lower video resolution or bitrate. Bandwidth 100 bitrate 191
player.js:161 Not enough bandwidth, consider using lower video resolution or bitrate. Bandwidth 100 bitrate 49

It's strange that the Bandwidth value will be constant after the third change.
If we using VLC to play through rtmp protocol , the video play smoothly.
Is there any bandwidth restriction for webrtc ( UDP ) ?

Solutions we've tried :

1. Restart WCS and the server.
2. Upgrade to WCS Vers. 5.1.3714.
3. Tried tunning the :
disable_manager_rmi =false
global_bandwidth_check_enabled =true

rtp_send_buffer_size =131072


4. ip link set txqueuelen 2000 dev eth0

We've monitoring with visualvm and found no high cpu load nor memory leak ( have tried force GC too).

Is there any missing setting that can affect the bandwidth ?

We are active Monthly Subcriber but in admin page showed the expired date is passed while the license status is active, is there any connection with this ?


Staff member
Hello Charles.
It's strange that the Bandwidth value will be constant after the third change.
Bandwith is metered as lost packets to whole packets count ratio. The "Not enough bandwidth" message is shown when this ratio exceeds this threshold (5% by default):
The "Not enough bandwidth" message is for information only. You can increase the threshold value for this message to appear less often, and you can disable this event at all with this setting
But, if your stream is played slowly or jerky, it means high packets loss, and you should consider to check the channel quality between server and viewer.
You can also update to latest version from this page and switch to WebRTC over TCP with the following settings
to prevent packets loss and get more smooth HD streams playback. But this does not help if channel quality is poor.
global_bandwidth_check_enabled =true
This setting affects global bandwith stats collection to display it on http://wcs:8081/?action=stat page. You'd better to disable it.