Streaming from local network


New Member
Hello. We are trying to stream from our local network PC ( to the Flashphoner server on the same local network ( have configured necessary ports forwarding from global ip to local) When we try to stream using rtmp://, it allows us to connect but doesn't allow via domain. After streaming, we can play that stream on the Flashphoner website using port 8443 from any computer while we accept to use an insecure network. Also, we can stream using a domain from another network to our Flashphoner server, and everything works fine; we could even run the stream on our website using a player. But while we stream from the local network, it doesn't work, and the stream doesn't run on our website. Please help.
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Staff member
Good day.
When we try to stream using rtmp://, it allows us to connect but doesn't allow via domain.
Please check if your domain name is successfully resolving from the PC. Use the ping command on the PC from which you're trying to publish a stream using your WCS server domain name, for example
ping flashphoner
If ping command returns Name or service not known, please set the domain name to the address in /etc/hosts file (Linux or Mac) or in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file (Windows), for example
Code: flashphoner