Search results

  1. Max

    Unable to record

    We checked the report. Seems you're writing streams to MP4 container. In this case, you should also set the folder for temporary recording files with enough disk space: record_dir=/proddata/ record_tmp_dir=/proddata/ We also recommend to clean disk space on the main volume because 98% is used...
  2. Max

    Call via SIP disconnecting after around 1 minute

    We checked the report. Both logs and traffic dump show there is no media traffic from browser. The call is finished by RTP activity: That's because you've starting a call using REST API /call/startup. In this case, a special media traffic generator must be enabled: generate_av_for_ua=all...
  3. Max

    Google Play Console(Уязвимые версии WebRTC)

    В версии WebRTC, которая входит в состав Android SDK 1.0, используется библиотека usrsctp. Эта библиотека содержит всего одну уязвимость CVE-2019-20503, которая до сих пор не закрыта (с 2020 года). Поэтому в теории мы могли бы попытаться обновить эту библиотеку в исходных текстах WebRTC в...
  4. Max

    Unable to record

    Please reproduce the problem in Stream Recording example, collect a report as described here using script and send the report archive using this form.
  5. Max

    Log folder

    Your server is successfully starting as service in root mode /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/bin/webcallserver set-root-mode enable We strongly recommend to: 1. Backup the following files from /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/conf folder wss.jks...
  6. Max

    Google Play Console(Уязвимые версии WebRTC)

    Добрый день. Более свежие версии WebRTC требуют версии API не ниже 26, что исключает работу в Android 7 и ниже, поэтому наш Android SDK 1.1, куда включена более свежая версия WebRTC, не работает на старых устройствах. Поскольку для закрытия уязвимости Google рекомендут использовать более новую...
  7. Max

    Unable to record

    Good day. Seems like you have not enough disk space to record: 18:50:06,094 WARN ecordFileSystemUtils - Stun-Clbk-thread udp// Not enough available disk space for recording, available in record directory /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/records - 346.2 MiB, in tmp directory...
  8. Max

    Call via SIP disconnecting after around 1 minute

    Unfortunately the traffic dump seems to be corrupted: Also, you've not provided a full report including server logs and client debug logs as mentioned in this post. So you should do the following: 1. Enable client debug logs client_log_level=debug 2. Restart WCS 3. Start traffic dump...
  9. Max

    SFU - Подвисают видеопотоки

    Добрый день. SFU использует только UDP транспорт. Скорее всего, канала не хватает на то, чтобы передать 720p в обе стороны. Попробуйте в файле настройки клиента /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/client2/sfu/client/config.json указать максимальное качество 640x360: "video": {...
  10. Max

    Call via SIP disconnecting after around 1 minute

    Good day. Please reproduce the problem and collect a report as described here including client debug logs and traffic dump, then send it using this form. If the archive size exceeds 30 M, place it to Google Drive, OneDrive etc and send the link using Comment field of the form.
  11. Max

    Log folder

    Please provide SSH access to the server using this form.
  12. Max

    Swift Package Manager support

    Since build 2.6.92 we do not use JSONModel framework, but still using SocketRocket.
  13. Max

    Swift Package Manager support

    Unfortunately not. Yes, we can (and really should) to publish our patched WebRTC implementation. However, this is not enough to solve dependency issue. We do not need JSONModel any more, but still need SocketRocket which supports Cocoapods or Carthage only.
  14. Max

    Log folder

    You can also just remove a logs folder systemctl stop webcallserver rm -rf /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/logs then create a symlink to a custom folder ln -sf /path/to/custom/folder/logs /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/logs Then set the proper privileges to the custom logs folder...
  15. Max

    Access WebRTC stream using simple URL format

    Good day. WebRTC streams pulling needs a special signaling implementation. So you have the following options: 1. Make your application act as WebRTC playing client. In this case, you should implement a custom websocket signaling API: Raw WebSocket API 2. Capture the stream using RTSP or RTMP...
  16. Max

    MCU Support

    No. One mixer is created per one room. And this room mixer has a number of output streams, per every participant, without the voice of the participant, to prevent its own echo. Please read the article How many mixers can a server have? Please try to reproduce the issue on our demo server...
  17. Max

    Log folder

    If you need to place all the logs hierarchy to the custom folder, just replace all base path occurences ${com.flashphoner.fms.AppHome}/logs to a custom one. If you need to set only server logs location, change the path and file name in the following parameter only...
  18. Max

    REST hooking connectionStatusEvent or streamStatusEvent in RoomAPI

    We checked the report. According to the traffic dump and logs, WCS correctly parses your custom backend responses. But we see no requests forwarded by custom backend to the internal WCS RoomApp application http://wcs:8081/apps/RoomApp. This must be done because RoomApi logic is implemented in...
  19. Max

    REST hooking connectionStatusEvent or streamStatusEvent in RoomAPI

    You can also try to set up a reverse HTTP proxy (nginx for example) at front of backend server to fix its responses.
  20. Max


    If your customers are not satisfied by our explanation, there are the following options: 1. Call to independent experts who can parse log4j-1.2.17.jar from WCS distribution package and check if CVE-2021-44228 can be exploited. 2. Get the jar file from reload4j project reload4j-1.2.22.jar and...