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  1. Max


    Good day. WCS uses Apache log4j 1.2.17. This old version does not support JDNI feature which is added since log4j 2.0-beta9. Therefore, CVE-2021-44228 vulnerability (and other JDNI vulnerabilities) cannot be exploited in WCS. The tests confirm that We referencing to the official Apache log4j...
  2. Max

    REST hooking connectionStatusEvent or streamStatusEvent in RoomAPI

    Unfortunately we can't reproduce the issue on PHP backend. Please reproduce it and collect a report including server logs using script and traffic dump at server side, then send using this form.
  3. Max

    Log folder

    Good day. You can change the settings in file: Logging settings in
  4. Max

    REST hooking connectionStatusEvent or streamStatusEvent in RoomAPI

    Yes, it should be HTTP/1.1 200 OK, both status code and response phrase are required May be. Note that connection may also be closed by library which is used by WCS (of course, we do not implement HTTP directly, but using Apache library to do the work). This is our new project which requires...
  5. Max

    Delay after 3 hour

    Hello, Played the RTSP stream on WCS for more than three hours. Delay is up to five seconds in the first few seconds and then does not increase with time. In VLC, the delay is about the same. There is an issue with the stream: unsync value is constantly growing. Please let know whether there is...
  6. Max

    Webcallserver in docker - Failed to connect to rtsp stream

    From the log, RTSP pulling fails cause port allocation fails (Failed to allocate port, No free ports available in the log), i.e. the ports are not accessible. Please check network configuration. Here is an article about docker container setup. Also, there is NoHttpResponseException issue, which...
  7. Max

    MCU Support

    Hello, With MCU, a new stream is published for each participant added to mixer, and that stream does not contain audio of the participant. There is MCU client example which plays such stream mixed for the participant.
  8. Max

    WCS 5.2.1431 Firefox 320x240 H264 stream not working

    Good day. We fixed the issue with keyframe detection in build 5.2.1460. Now, H264 320x240 stream published from Firefox on NVIDIA GPU should play correctly. Please note that in the dump you provided there is only one keyframe in the beginning of the stream, so it may not play for subscribes who...
  9. Max

    Нет исходящего аудио-потока в Chrome

    Добрый день. Проверьте, работает ли публикация потока только с аудио в Chrome в примере Media Devices: Убедитесь, что в статистике слева отображается число отправленных пакетов, проиграйте этот же поток в том же примере с сервера. Если поток играет, убедитесь, что Вы указали правильные...
  10. Max

    REST hooking connectionStatusEvent or streamStatusEvent in RoomAPI

    Good day. The latest public WCS build is 5.2.1452, not 1453. Please check if Conference example works with a default application http://localhost:8081/apps/RoomApp. If yes, you did not probably pass any REST hooks from your custom application to default RoomApp. This must be done because a...
  11. Max

    Webcallserver in docker - Failed to connect to rtsp stream

    Good day. Please check if RTSP source is available from inside the container (ping the source IP, try to connect to the source using static ffmpeg build).
  12. Max

    Ошибка при активации

    Проверили Ваш сервер. Действительно, лицензия была ранее активирована на другом сервере, который, возможно, был удален без деактивации. В этом случае лицензия типа Standalone блокируется. Сейчас лицензия разблокирована, можете ее активировать. Обратите внимание: если будете мигрировать этот...
  13. Max

    How to stream to YouTube

    Good day. Please ensure you've set the following parameters in rtmp_transponder_full_url=true rtmp_transponder_stream_name_prefix= rtmp_flash_ver_subscriber=LNX rtmp_transponder_send_metadata=true Also please check if you can stream to Youtube from OBS...
  14. Max

    How to reduce post processing of recorded file in room ?

    We can't reproduce such error in latest WCS build 5.2.1443. Please update and check. If the issue still reproducing, collect a report: Getting logs with script then send the report and your offline_mixer.json config file using this form.
  15. Max

    Ошибка при активации

    Архив нужно скачивать и распаковывать в директорию tmp или другую, отличную от /usr/local В процессе установки должен создаться symlink /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer --> /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer-5.2.1440 указывающий на директорию с номером версии.
  16. Max

    Ошибка при активации

    Здравствуйте. При активации записывается файл /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/conf/flashphoner.license Убедитесь что директория /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer существует. Если не существует, то возможно установка не была произведена или прошла некорректно. Для корректной установки...
  17. Max

    Not able to record camera and share simultaneously real time

    Good day. You can use canvas streaming, but there are some issues in this case: 1. The browser tab where canvas element is placed, must be in foreground, otherwise there will be freezes: browser stops sending media traffic when the page goes to background. 2. The stream picture size is limited...
  18. Max

    Mixer PiP flickering

    The mixer_video_threads sets how much threads WCS will use to encode video in mixer output stream. This value is 4 by default, and should not be less because encoder may fail to process all incoming data. Usually, 4 threads is enough for most cases unless you're feeding the mixer with a huge...
  19. Max

    Mixer PiP flickering

    This is not an error. The message means mixer native code cannot encode the frame for some reason. In this case, the frame is dropped. Usually, this may be due to packet loss or frame corruption. You can try a strict jitter buffer to reduce this use_strict_jitter_buffer=true...
  20. Max

    Некорректное воспроизведение в embed player

    Добрый день. Проблема с переключением в полноэкранный режим в Safari 16 исправлена в сборке Web SDK 2.0.224. Чтобы переключение в полный экран и обратно работало, необходимо включить стандартные элементы управления в плеере. Также был изменен код Embed Player.