Good day.
You can terminate any client connection at server side by REST API query /connection/terminate:
POST /rest-api/connection/terminate HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 55
Content-Type: application/json
Good day.
Please look at Two Way Streaming Vue example (and its source code on GitHub). The example is successfully built and running in our tests.
Try it, if this works, please check your source code.
Take a look at this sample. It is better than iframes.
Yes you have to use Web SDK (flashphoner.js lib) to implement such sample...
Good day
We cannot reproduce the issue with this elementary example:
1. Open Media Devices example on our demo server:
2. Publish stream test from webcamera
3. Duplicate the page...
Этого можно добиться следующим образом:
1. Остановить текущую публикацию
2. Вызвать Flashphoner.releaseLocalMediaAccess(), чтобы отпустить камеру и микрофон
3. Опубликовать поток без аудио
StreamOptions streamOptions = new StreamOptions(streamName);
Try to add server-side setting
This setting should result to header:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
It may take a time to reconstruct the stream from provided dump.
If you provide direct RTSP URL or SSH access, it may speed up the process.
You can provide additional details using the same form.
Every SSL certificate consists of domain certificate, authority center (CA) certificate and private key. You should get this from your certificate provider. Please read also this article.
Good day.
WebRTC may change FPS depending on channel bandwidth and quality. So effective FPS may differ from value set in constraints.
Please clarify:
- what WCS build do you use?
- what data ffprobe shows for the file?
ffbprobe file.webm
- how this file is playing: are there freezes...
К сожалению, так сделать нельзя. При освобождении камеры и микрофона (для чего есть метод Flashphoner.releaseLocalMediaAccess()) захват видео/аудио останавливается, для того, чтобы возобновить захват, требуется повторная публикация потока.
Метод Stream.muteAudio() предназначен именно для...
We do not provide ETA for feature request on the forum. But we can raise implementation priority if more customers request the feature.
For temporary workaround, you can use on demand transcoding as recommended above
>According to the stream-recording documentation, the flashphoner can record a stream with the VP8 codec.
It's correct. WCS can record single stream in webM (vp8 codec).
These two features are bit different:
Single stream recording...
When you set
Transcoding will be started upon playback only.
The multi-recorder will not trigger transcoding automatically.
Try to launch transcoding manually using REST API as described in the docs.
Option1. REST API.
Make a bash script using REST API which...
Seems like SRT publishing/playback is not supported in browsers yet, but ffmpeg-based tools (ffmpeg itself, OBS, Gstreamer) support it. So we consider MPEG-TS over SRT publishing from ffmpeg implementation.
Good day.
We're working on it in ticket WCS-2680. Today, SRT is implemented as internal CDN transport, and SRT will be implemented for stream publishing. We let you know here.
If you've imported SSL certificate for domain, the IP address becomes unsecure at browser point, even if this is the address bound to domain name.
So no, you should not replace a valid domain name with IP address.