Search results

  1. Max

    WebRTC, WSPlayer automatic stop playing stream every minute

    Good day. The keep_alive.algorithm parameter affects all the publishing and playback technologies, so it is not recommended to disable it. But, keep alive sending can be disabled for certain protocol. For example, keep alive should be disabled when RTMP stream is published from OBS...
  2. Max

    Publish recorded streams

    The question is slightly beyond the sope of this forum. Please try to use third side webserver (Apache, nginx etc) with PHP module. The media folder content can be listed to array with the following PHP call $files = array_diff(scandir($path), array('.', '..')); Then you can form the webpage...
  3. Max

    Publish recorded streams

    E.g., using the code from the Embed Player example in an HTML page. For example, <iframe id='fp_embed_player' src='https://WCS:8888/embed_player?urlServer=wss://WCS:8443&streamName=vod://record1.mp4&mediaProviders=WebRTC,Flash,MSE,WSPlayer' marginwidth='0' marginheight='0' frameborder='0'...
  4. Max

    Publish recorded streams

    Just create the folder if it does not exist mkdir media
  5. Max

    Получить доступные разрешения камеры

    В примере Media Devices есть вывод статистики и в частности ширины и высоты. Поэтому можно реализовать также как там.
  6. Max

    Publish recorded streams

    If you installed server properly, it should have two folders. One is symlink. Example: ls -la /usr/local | grep Flash lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 84 Apr 8 17:42 FlashphonerWebCallServer -> /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer-5.2.570-be20ed565889000662d1bdab5eae46392c0d68af drwxr-xr-x 12 root...
  7. Max

    Publish recorded streams

    You can merge these two folders 1. Move all files from record to media 2. Remove the record folder 3. Add symlink ln -sf /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/media /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/record Or, you can use a script like this # Get the stream name STREAM_NAME=$1 # Get the...
  8. Max

    Publish recorded streams

    To publish the recording files, you can use VOD capturing. Please note that recordings are placed to /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/records folder, and files to be capured as VOD should be placed to /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/media folder. So you should copy the files needed by...
  9. Max

    WebRTC, WSPlayer automatic stop playing stream every minute

    We received and checked the report. Seems like your are publishing high profile/resolution RTMP stream (there are messages It's B-frame! in cleint debug logs), and playing it with WSPlayer. Please try to use lower publishing resolution (640x480 for example) with ultrafast preset to escape...
  10. Max

    Support Forums

    Good day. This is a known isssue. we're already working on it and hope to fix it soon.
  11. Max

    Publish recorded streams

    Good day. Please clarify your case: 1. What WCS build do you use? 2. How do you publish streams to server: WebRTC from browser, RTMP from OBS/XSplit/ffmpeg, anything else? 3. Do you have any problems with recording time stamps? 4. Do you want to play recording files from server?
  12. Max

    WebRTC, WSPlayer automatic stop playing stream every minute

    Good day. Please collect a report as described here and send to, we will check.
  13. Max

    recorded mixer stream has wrong creation time in the metadata

    Good day. We reproduced the issue and raised the internal ticket WCS-2657 to fix it. We'll let you know in this topic when fix will be ready. As workaroung, you can use post-recording script to set the file creation date to metadata.
  14. Max

    No audio playback in Chrome since Chrome 81

    Good day, Marc. You can try to update WebSDK only to the latest build without updatinng WCS. If this doesn't help, another possible reason is Chrome and most of modern browsers require DTLS 1.2 to be supported for WebRTC connection, but WCS 5.1 supports DTLS 1.0 only. In this...
  15. Max

    iOS SDK 2.5.2:FPWCSApi2RoomManager.h has wrong interface

    Good day. Thank you for noticing that, we raised internal ticket WCS-2656 to fix it. There are now much more priority tasks, so this typo can be fixed manually while building IOS SDK applications.
  16. Max

    Mixer Layout Stream Labeling

    Good day. We raised internat ticket WCS-2655 to update a ccustom mixer layout documentation and let you know in this topic when this will be done. Current MCU mixer implementation is not fully intended for realtime mixing and strongly depends on incoming streams channel quality. We're working...
  17. Max

    Playing Adverts into the stream

    Hello, Please try it using the REST methods 1. Create mixer using /mixer/startup (the mixer stream will be published) 2. Publish the "voice only service" stream 3. Add the stream to the mixer using /mixer/add 4. Subscribe to listen to the mixer stream 5. Remove the "service" stream from the...
  18. Max

    Задвоение звука с микрофона в конференции

    Добрый день, 1) Попробуйте, пожалуйста, сузить сценарий: воспроизводится ли с меньшим количеством участников, с какими участниками; будет ли воспроизводиться без конференции - например, если один из этих участников только публикует, а другой только играет (например, с демо Two-way Streaming)...
  19. Max

    Closing the conference audio recording onClick

    WCS-2584 issue ( /stream/stopRecording and /recorder/terminate return 200 OK when recording is already stopped but the stream is not yet unpublished) has been fixed in v. 5.2.591.
  20. Max

    Отключение удаленного видео для Stream в плеере (mute remote video).

    Такой функции для видео нет. Можно попробовать выставить video элементу стиль css, например visibility: hidden; .display > video, object { width: 100%; height: 100%; visibility: hidden; } При этом, видеотрафик продолжит в полном объеме идти на плеер, как и в случае с аудио...