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  1. Max

    Safari не работает камера (даже на

    Недавно вышло обновление iOS 12.2 и там перестала работать публикация по WebRTC Исправили в последних сборках Web SDK
  2. Max

    Streamer do not work.

    If you have any troubles with initial certificates import, please send SSH access and certificates files to We will import certificates.
  3. Max

    Streamer do not work.

    The license works properly. You didn't install SSL certificate. That's why it does not work for you. Here you can find docs how to import SSL certificate: You can temporary workaround this issue using...
  4. Max

    каскадное обрушение CDN

    Спасибо, отчеты получили. В логах информация по крэшам отсутствует. Это может указывать на то, что процесс сервера был убит OOM киллером. Проверьте пожалуйста логи /var/log/messages на T1 и T2 серверах. У вас в настройках -Xmx32g Это теоретически может вывести использование...
  5. Max

    Automatic republishing to a specified RTMP server, issue

    Hello Auto-republishing is experimental functions not tested in production use. If you want to implement auto-republishing properly, please use REST API. 1. Use /rest-api/stream/find {"status":"PUBLISHING"} to find actual publishing streams 2. Use /rest-api/push/startup to re-publish stream...
  6. Max

    WebRTC as RTMP re-publishing Not Working in Google Chrome

    With OBS, you start RTMP streaming with fixed resolution 720p. With WebRTC as RTMP. you can start WebRTC streaming with resolution lower than 720p, depending on your channel bandwith, for example 360p, then it raise to 720p. It's WebRTC standart behaviour to adjust stream resolution on the fly...
  7. Max

    Failed by ICE timeout - Server behind NAT

    It's no so good for production, so we recommend to use static white IP for production server.
  8. Max

    Failed by ICE timeout - Server behind NAT

    Good day. We have checked if latest builds from this page work with dynamic DNS hostname in ip field. It works, you can set But there can be issues when external IP address or something else is changing in DNS records, in this case either WSS connection cannot be...
  9. Max

    Unhandled promise rejection iPhone, iOS 12.2

    It seems like a well known iOS Safari issue. Please enable transcoding on server side with option disable_streaming_proxy=true or on client side with explicit playback resolution settings session.createStream({constraints:{audio:true,video:{width:320,height:240}}}).play()
  10. Max

    WebRTC as RTMP re-publishing Not Working in Google Chrome

    Good day. We have checked your logs and tried to reproduce. It seems like Facebook and Youtube issue: they both receive 1280x720 RTMP stream, but allows to choose for playback 360p maximum only. You can check streaming with our Wowza demo server rtmp:// to make...
  11. Max

    WCS - CPU usage increase even on idle

    Good day. 1. You have JVM garbage collector (GC) running every 2 second. Please try to allocate more Java Heap memory, in your case 8 Gb using the following settings in file: -Xmx8g -Xms8g 2. We have fixed iOS 12.2 streaming issues in WebSDK build Please...
  12. Max

    service webcallserver check_update не работает

    При переходе на 5.2 команды check_update и update перестали работать. Запланировано исправление, но сейчас нужно обновляться вручную. 1. Скачать последнюю релизную сборку: 2. Распаковать tar -xvzf FlashphonerWebCallServer-5.2.80.tar.gz...
  13. Max

    каскадное обрушение CDN

    Скорее всего транскодеры скрэшились на транскодировании и утянули за собой другие серверы. Пришлите SSH доступы ко всем серверам CDN, проверим настройки и логи. Если с отправкой доступов проблема, пришлите папку logs и conf с каждого сервера. Если файлы слишком большие, пришлите ссылку на...
  14. Max

    WebRTC as RTMP re-publishing Not Working in Google Chrome

    Good day. Sorry, but screenshots are not displayed in your post. Please, collect logs as described here and send to, we will check.
  15. Max

    Jave issue

    Hello We have removed your recent post from public view because it contains private information including license number which must not be open in public. If you have any payment issues please send email directly to and attach license number.
  16. Max

    Audio out of sync

    What is stream source? 1. Could you please provide step by step instructions how to reproduce the issue. Example: 1. Stream from Chrome 73, Windows 10 2. Play on Android Chrome 73. 3. Out of sync. 2. Did you test with your own application? Please test with our demo sample first...
  17. Max

    Flashpner Web call server console, Licence page do not work.

    We have checked your server. You don't have enough disk space. Please cleanup your disk and try again. or try to restart WCS server after cleanup service webcallserver restart
  18. Max

    CDN transcoder load balancing

    Да, REST API будет показывать текущий статус нод в CDN. По результатам отпишем в этой теме.
  19. Max

    Flashpner Web call server console, Licence page do not work.

    Hello Please send SSH access details to We will check.
  20. Max

    CDN transcoder load balancing

    Базовая балансировка готова. Сейчас на верификации. Выпустим на следующей неделе. Устанавливается порог = L/T L - load average T - количество ядер с учетом гипертрединга Например: cdn_node_cpu_average_threshold = 0.25 (Порог load average 6, ядер с гипертредингом: 24, физических ядер: 12) Если...