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  1. andrew.n

    Video distortion when changing RTCEAGLVideoView size

    I sent the details about the implementation using the link you provided to me yesterday, I also included some screenshots with the flow.
  2. andrew.n

    Video distortion when changing RTCEAGLVideoView size

    To reproduce the issue I will have to change the example by adding ViewController.xib ... Do you have any example by using XIBs/Storyboards instead of adding all outlets + constraints by code?
  3. andrew.n

    Video distortion when changing RTCEAGLVideoView size

    I use 2 RTCEAGLVideoViews, one to play the remote link and one for broadcasting. When the streamers are ready, the delegate method - (void)videoView: (RTCEAGLVideoView *)videoView didChangeVideoSize: (CGSize)size; is called and I set the videoView.layer.frame properly. We have the following...
  4. andrew.n

    iOS RTCEAGLVideoView layout issues

    I saw in the demo projects that everything is added by code, no XIBs/Storyboards. I want to ask if there are some limitations to RTCEAGLVideoView and using auto layout. I placed one RTCEAGLVideoView full screen (top, leading, trailing, bottom, center X, center Y) constraints. When the stream...
  5. andrew.n

    iOS stream switch camera issue

    Context: Using two-way streaming service I have separated properties for sessions and streams private var playURLSession: FPWCSApi2Session? private var broadcastURLSession: FPWCSApi2Session? private var playURLStream: FPWCSApi2Stream? private var broadcastURLStream...
  6. andrew.n

    RTCEAGLVideoView aspect mode aspect fit (as we have for UIImageView)

    Thanks Max for your answer but WebRTC developed by Google is deprecated - I cannot consider this as a long term solution. In the topic you recommended, as I understood, AVMakeRectWithAspectRatioInsideRect is not working properly... Do you have any recommendations about how to use...
  7. andrew.n

    RTCEAGLVideoView aspect mode aspect fit (as we have for UIImageView)

    Context: I start the two-way streaming service by calling User B (iPhone) from User A (macOS - Chrome browser). On the iPhone, I display two RTCEAGLVideoView, one for broadcasting and one for playing remote streaming. The problem is that on my mac I start the call in landscape and on iPhone, I...
  8. andrew.n

    Call Kit and Flashphoner

    Thank you Max for your response. We manage to integrate Call Kit using PushKit as well, but I want to know if there are any guidelines to integrate FlashPhoner with the flow that we have with Call Kit. First, we have a small issue that if the phone is blocked and the user responds, we have to...
  9. andrew.n

    Call Kit and Flashphoner

    Context: We have to add a new feature to our app, to support video streaming calls between 2 users. Same as Skype/Messanger but only for 2 users (no group support yet) As I understood, both Skype and Messanger use Call Kit to properly handle communication between multiple apps that supports...