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  1. Y

    Unable to login as admin

    That works. Thanks!
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    Unable to login as admin

    Hi, I have an WCS at AWS and I can't login to the admin account with the user/pass of admin/<ec2-instance-id> This instance is created from an AMI that was created from an AWS marketplace WCS. [1] How can I login to the admin account? [2] Is there a way to replace the current SSL certificate...
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    WebRTC over TURN freezing issues

    Hi I'm using WCS 5.2.945 with internal TURN server. I publish rtmp video and play it on web-rtc over TURN. The issue: From time to time the video on the web-rtc player stuck, sometimes for 2 seconds and sometimes for more than 5 seconds (at the same time the video played fine on the rtmp...
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    Running WCS 5.2.912

    I can't see my problem on the latest version, but the issue I'm trying to reproduce is video issue that happens intermittently (See support ticket so I can't tell for sure if the newer version solve it or maybe it...
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    Running WCS 5.2.912

    I'm trying to run WCS 5.2.912 on AWS EC2 in order to try reproduce an issue we had. I tried to do it in 2 ways: [1] Use an instance of older/newer version available in AWS marketplace and upgrade it to 912 [2] Use a clean ubuntu instance and install 5.2.912 on it. In both cases, I end up with...
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    Intermittently failed to play audio over webrtc/turn

    No change. I've added these properties (and restart the service) and validated that we use "relay" in the client code.
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    Intermittently failed to play audio over webrtc/turn

    Hi, I'm trying to pass audio from my server to the client via WCS. Publish rtsp opus audio Play webrtc over turn I sometime succeed to play the audio and sometimes fail. WCS version 5.2.945 I've attached flashphoner log from my last case. In this case I'm publishing rtsp stream, failed on the...
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    RTSP stream name

    Oh... :) Thanks a lot that was the problem!
  9. Y

    RTSP stream name

    Thanks. It doesn't work for me. Attached the log from my last rtmp playing attempt.
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    RTSP stream name

    I sent the information. Thanks. But another issue I encountered while trying to prepare the instance is that the latest WCS (5.2.940) on AWS market place doesn't work for me and I had to launch previous version and then upgrade. I've tried to launce it on t3.small and t3.medium and WCS server...
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    RTSP stream name

    Thanks. I've tried again to play it the way you play but I still got "stream not found" error. When I pass the full URL as stream name it plays okay.
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    RTSP stream name

    Hi Max! Thanks! I publish the rtsp with ffmpeg just like you wrote on the first option. For an example, if I try to play the stream with ffplay I have to use this line "ffplay rtmp://<flashphoner-dns-name>:1935/rtsp://<flashphoner-dns-name>:554/my-stream" But the DNS name doesn't resolved on...
  13. Y

    RTSP stream name

    WCS server is on AWS. /etc/resolve.conf doesn't exist Yet, the server able to resolve the dns-name to the private ip (tested by ping)
  14. Y

    RTSP stream name

    Hi! I'm using WCS 5.2.945 I publish an rtsp video stream to the server by using its dns name rtsp://<flashphoner-dns-name>:554/live/my-stream I want to play it with web-rtc and rtmp players and I only able to play when I provide to the player the stream name with the direct server ip...
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    Public ip on aws wsc maketplace

    Hi, I'm running WSC 5.2 on AWS from marketplace. WSC opens ports and listens on the private ip. I can't access to WSC ports (8444 for example) via the public ip. What should I do? Thanks!
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    Video issues with WebRTC over TURN

    Hi Max. I set h264_strict_kframe_detect=true. All checked: * key frame sends every 2 seconds (=every 12 frames). * WebRTC stream published from browser can be played in Firewall Traversal Streaming example via internal TURN * "Force relay" switch enabled The phenomenon persist. Moreover, I...
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    Video issues with WebRTC over TURN

    Hi, I have a strange phenomenon while playing webrtc over turn. I'm publishing rtmp video h264 + acc, 6 fps, to flashphoner WCS and play it in several methods: 1. WebRTC - plays well. 2. ffplay (to play the rtmp stream) - plays well. 3. WebRTC over TURN (internal server) - Has issues: When the...
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    Incoming RSPT stream

    Great! thanks
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    Using internal TURN server

    Thanks a lot Max! That works now!
  20. Y

    Using internal TURN server

    Thanks Max! I'm using the latest of WSC that on AWS marketplace which is 5.2.780 I enable force relay switch, but the point is that the port is not open at all on the public ip (tested via telnet from outside) I sent you the SSH access information through the link you provided.