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    somethin got broken between in webrtc Chrome => Safari

    oh and I forgot to add that audio is ok only video is affected
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    somethin got broken between in webrtc Chrome => Safari

    Hi, I've encountered a strange issue that I have never seen before. Yesterday I've noticed that when I publish my webrtc stream from Chrome it plays OK everywhere except for Safari iOS. I tried reverting to old code and old WCS / SDK versions from 3 months ago where all was good but it didn't...
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    update maxBitrate for live stream

    ok, thanks a lot
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    update maxBitrate for live stream

    Hello, Thank you for the reply. Yes, that what I did in meantime if BAD% > XX then stop()/start(). What I did also is that I've set the maxBitrate per resolution. I have a question regarding the minBitrate. I saw somewhere in the docs that to avoid some safari flicking issues you recommend...
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    update maxBitrate for live stream

    Hi, I was wondering whether it is possible or not to apply new constraints to a publisher live stream. For example, I would like to implement a simple auto-quality functionality. The goal is to decrease (or increase) the quality without the need to restart the stream. So for example if I publish...
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    WebRTC player plays on mobile network but not on wifi

    ok, so i have successfully tested the periodic_fir_request=true option in file and it seems to solve the problem. I think it was indeed a keyframe problem. Now with his stream when I display it immediately after he start a broadcast it still fails but after a page refresh...
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    strange case of MSE and the "Worker"

    ok, So I will focus more on WebRTC/HLS pair and will drop the MSE and WSPlayer. I have some good xp with HLS in prod so it should be a problem ;) Thanks for your help
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    strange case of MSE and the "Worker"

    Ok, I am not really using WSPlayer, for now, it is more like a fallback option for when WebRTC and MSE don't work ( which anyways should cover almost all devices right ?). Just to be sure. You are saying is that you recommend a fallback from WebRTC to HLS directly instead of trying MSE provider...
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    strange case of MSE and the "Worker"

    Ok, so I have managed to get it to work by using the external loader un webpack. This way my flashphoner.js is unaltered which is better in the end ;) and my MSE player is working as it should. However, I saw another problem. On WSPlayer the stream.getStreamResolution() always return {width...
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    strange case of MSE and the "Worker"

    I can confirm this is definitely some webpack build issue. When I include the flashphoner.js file directly in <body/> then MSE provider is working
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    strange case of MSE and the "Worker"

    Hi, I finally succeed in playing a stream using MSE provider. I was having issues with MSE Provider I wasn't able to play a stream on my website ( I could play it with the examples though). So definitely something on my website is causing problems. This was the error before: The error I had...
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    WebRTC player plays on mobile network but not on wifi

    This is a unique case for now I have only one broadcaster that is having this issue. So I will try changing the parameter in and see how it behaves with the example that will be a good place to start. Then I will get back will logs and more info. Thanks
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    WebRTC player plays on mobile network but not on wifi

    Hi, I have a strange case that I can't reproduce at home on my setup but I have a user who when he is broadcasting while being connected to his home wifi I can't play his stream with WebRTC player, however, I can play the stream by fallback-ing to WSplayer from Flashphoner SDK. When this user...
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    server not sending stats

    ok, great thanks
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    server not sending stats

    nevermind I think I solved it. It shows on the examples running from my server so it is something else. Btw. How I can delete my thread? I don't like to pollute...
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    server not sending stats

    Hi, I've added the `outbound_video_rate_stat_send_interval=1` and inbound_video_rate_stat_send_interval=1`. It is working in my local network at home I have WCS running on a secondary laptop and I receive the quality update event in my broadcaster and player. But It does not work on my public...
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    Flashphoner with ReactJS

    so basically error i have is here as on the image. And "this" is undefined. and the "error" and the error seems to be some kind of provider error. I will try to debug it a little but more soon.
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    Flashphoner with ReactJS

    I use the latest js downloaded from releases page I use the basic player example for testing. Basically, I followed the player example and stripped it down to the parts that I need and removed the "buttons". And I test it in Google Chrome Desktop. What I don't understand is that the example...
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    Flashphoner with ReactJS

    Hi @Max, I've stumbled on the same error. WebRTC and WSPlayer work fine. However, with MSE I have the same error. In order to use MSE I need to build the flashphoner.js file from the source?
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    npm package for web sdk

    great, that's a good news