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  1. T

    Question about Playing a stream in custom HTML5 video element

    Any update on this case? Thanks
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    Video not smooth or stopped on iOS

    You can test it now, just tested, windows abd android chrome can connect to the rtsp, but safari on iPad and iphone cannot even connect. (All devices are on same network)
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    Question about Playing a stream in custom HTML5 video element

    I followed the to do, and i want to display the video which will change the video aspect ratio to fit the size of the videoControls as below: the testing page is...
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    Video not smooth or stopped on iOS

    The rtsp is not available at the moment, i will update if it is available for you to test. The 2 ios devices and 1 android device are using same wifi, but only ios have problem.
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    Video not smooth or stopped on iOS

    Tested on on safari on iOS -> Embed player: rtsp:// The video can started, but sometime it is stopped and not smooth, but no problem on the chrome on MS Windows at the same time. What could the problem? Thanks
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    Buffering on webrtc?

    If use HTTP Tools>Preference>Input/Codecs->Live555 stream transport->HTTP (default) in VLC Player, the picture is twitching, but if i set the Live555 stream transport to RTP over RTSP (TCP) on VLC Player, no problem is found so far, also if i set the WCS to use TCP to connect rtsp, the video is...
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    Buffering on webrtc?

    Sent the rtsp link to you, and we connect rthe rtsp using TCP, If not using rtmp, the video is ok without problem, but if added rtmp on the middle, the video sometime have distortion. We added the following on the properties: ice_tcp_transport=true rtmp_out_buffer_enabled=true...
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    Buffering on webrtc?

    I have tried as you said, and it can add delay on the video, but i found that the video sometime have distortion. What could be the problem?Thanks
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    Buffering on webrtc?

    But will it increase the WCS loading alot? Thanks
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    Buffering on webrtc?

    The config as below: Video Cam->RTSP->WCS->WebRTC->Browser, Is it possible to add some buffering of about 0.25s to 0.5s delay, so that the video can be smoother on network jittering, and i don't mine the delay within about 1 seconds. Thanks
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    Webrtc cannot be shown on ios chrome, safari, android chrome, but on chrome on windows?

    The webcallserver should applied self-signed certificate, is it enough or i have to apply the cert from other company? Thanks
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    snapshort timeout problem and response time

    I got timeout exception sometime when request snapshot using rest api, what could be the problem? And if success, the response time would be about 2 to 3 seconds, how could i increase the response time or delay time? Thanks { "exception"...
  13. T

    Webrtc cannot be shown on ios chrome, safari, android chrome, but on chrome on windows?

    What is the reason? Thanks The testing page is below, but when i test the same rtsp on flashphoner demo site, it is ok.
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    RTSP to Webrtc to stream, but can i send text to the broswer at the same time? Thanks

    Is it possible to get the raw video byte data (encoded video data) from the session on the browser WCS SDK?
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    Question about standalone license

    Thanks, so you mean activiate a license on a new server will automatically replace the old one? Thanks
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    Question about standalone license

    If i install a standalone license on PC A, and later, i want to switch to another PC B? Then is it possible to uninstall the WCS on PC A, and use the same standalone license on PC B? Another case, If i install a standalone license on PC A, but after a while, the PC A is not working and cannot...
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    RTSP to Webrtc to stream, but can i send text to the broswer at the same time? Thanks

    Thanks, i can recieve the text sent by /data/send API. But is it possible to add something on the rtsp stream and receive it when drawing the video on broswer, so that i can draw or show text on the same time with the specific video frame?
  18. T

    RTSP to Webrtc to stream, but can i send text to the broswer at the same time? Thanks

    Thanks, i tried /data/send API, it return 200, but how can i receive the text on the web sdk? Any example? Thanks
  19. T

    RTSP to Webrtc to stream, but can i send text to the broswer at the same time? Thanks

    I am using Live555 to generate the rtsp link for the WCS to connect (RSTP to Webrtc), but i also want to send the coordinate of a Rectangle or some text, so that i can draw it on the video on broswer, how could i do it? and the drawing need to synchronized with the video in time?