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  1. G

    about screensharing extension

    finally got it working: need to create a new fp session, without joining room...perfect ! and i confirm again the chrome extension is working as expected when ported to FF. just final question: is it possible to define the part of screen we want to share ? (like defining offsetx,offsety, width...
  2. G

    about screensharing extension

    hum...creating a second connection and joining the same room with this new connection now working as stuck in my plan so far...any idea ?
  3. G

    about screensharing extension

    so, according to what i understand how streams and rooms work, what i should eventually do is to join a second time the room through the same session, so i can define the username i want. not exactly what i want as i dont want this second connection to appear as a connected user but thats a...
  4. G

    about screensharing extension

    ok, so 2 things: first it appears that chrome extension can now be ported to FF directly. i tryed and it works. just need to add this in the manifest: make your zip, add it in addons.firefox and see the magic just if (Flashphoner.firefoxScreenSharingExtensionInstalled) is not working properly...
  5. G

    about screensharing extension

    i've edited my previous post to add logs in spoiler. these are the full logs from flashphoner_manager, dont have any other info about the error 500...
  6. G

    about screensharing extension

    finally implemented it with session.createStream to have controll on streamName, but while its working with the demo, it is not on my app: the preview appears 1/2 second then, and stream status return failed. here are server logs: maybe its related to this line: 11:43:57,541 INFO...
  7. G

    about screensharing extension

    yes im talking about the chrome one. finally got it working (just had to add the preview div as display) however i still dont get the result i want as streamname is not used, and the publish method just use the same streamname as the webcam. is it mandatory to use "createStream" instead of...
  8. G

    about screensharing extension

    im trying to integrate the screensharing in the conference example with no success :/ here is what i did so far: changed the FP init to Flashphoner.init({screenSharingExtensionId: extensionId}); when user click my start sharing button it calls the following (extension is installed and...
  9. G

    about screensharing extension

    working great thanks ! however i havent been able to set viewportOffsetX: x.value, viewportOffsetY: y.value to define the portion of screen i want to share, is this possible ?
  10. G

    about screensharing extension

    Hello is the chrome and firefox screensharing extension supposed to work ? i installed both and cant get it work using the samples in the dashboard. also, stupid question question, are these extension also working for chrome and firefox on mac os ? thank you
  11. G

    ffmpeg streams stop automatically

    ho yes i forgot about this point, i think i asked you already few months ago. works perfectly thx !
  12. G

    ffmpeg streams stop automatically

    the log message for this issue is: "info" : "Stopped by session disconnect", again, this issue doesnt happen on a different server (less perfomant by the way) running a previous version of wcs thanks for your help
  13. G

    ffmpeg streams stop automatically

    Hello i have a screen sharing app using adobe air/ffmpeg. it was working fine until a recent wcs update: the stream is automatically cancelled after 1 min of streaming. to check wether its a server side or app problem, i made tests streaming to a different instance of wcs running on another...
  14. G

    high cpu usage

    hi thank you for reply. What heap size would you recommande with a 64gb ram server ?
  15. G

    high cpu usage

    increasing heap size to 8000M produces even higher cpu usage...
  16. G

    high cpu usage

    Hello on a quadcore, 64gb ram ubuntu server, 1 video stream with 1 connected user makes the cpu 20%... 2 videos streams, 30% cpu 3 videos streams 50% cpu im a bit scared to start a production app with such this normal behavior ?
  17. G

    ssl certificates conf

    hello im' trying to re install wcs with certificate on a new server as im ready to go on production and get a licence. however im struggling again with the ssl certificate. i'm trying to use letsencrypt inlcuded in tools, and i have the following error after the command "./certbot-auto...
  18. G

    stop publishing to rtmp using rest call

    push/startup is not working...with the command i'm using (rtmp withing pubklish command) its al good..when doing it with push/startup, answer is 415, unsupported media type...
  19. G

    stop publishing to rtmp using rest call

    the rtmpurl is defined in my publishing script: _room.publish({ display: document.getElementById("myVideo"), constraints: constraints, record: false, receiveVideo: false, receiveAudio: false, rtmpUrl: 'rtmp://'+_roomID }). so if i understand clear, i should not specify rtmpurl...
  20. G

    stop publishing to rtmp using rest call

    same story, if i retrieve all mediaSessionId's, and then make a call to push/terminate with body {"mediaSessionId": "718763d1-e3ba-11e7-9849-55fa87d274a8"} got a 404 error: { "timestamp": 1513577623990, "status": 404, "error": "Not Found", "exception"...