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  1. G

    stop publishing to rtmp using rest call

    ok found it in the docs (guess its push/terminate) problem is a push/find_all returns nothing, while the stream is published...any idea ?
  2. G

    stop publishing to rtmp using rest call

    Hello all is in the question: is there a rest call to use to stop publishing to rtmp ? situation is as follow: all published streams are sent to a wowza server, as i perform recording actions on this server. problem is when i stop recording, if streams are still published to wowza, recorded...
  3. G

    stream name not used

    Hello im ppublishing a stream like this: _room.publish({ display: document.getElementById("myVideo"), constraints: constraints, record: false, receiveVideo: false, receiveAudio: false, name: m, rtmpUrl: 'rtmp://'+_roomID }) where "m" is a uniq string...but the published stream...
  4. G

    conference example, publish audio only

    Hello i'm trying to publish audio using the conference example (to face the issue where user dont have webcam on their device). if passing video false as constraint, there is an error when trying to publish. how to soolve this ? thank you
  5. G

    playback very slow on android 6

    no more freeze since update to latest wcs version,thx thank you for other answer
  6. G

    playback very slow on android 6

    ok, only the video crash, but audio still playing...this bring me to another question: is it possible to change the playback constraint on the fly (for example disable video when a new video stream is incoming) or do we have to close the stream then reopen it with new constraints ? thanks !
  7. G

    playback very slow on android 6

    thanks for reply found out that when adding a new stream (situation:there is already a video+audio stream playing on ios safari, then a new stream is added, screen sharing for example, and set video only for this new stream) its working properly...ok not totally properlly as after a few...
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    securing apps

    Hello my webrtc app is almost finish and now the big question: how to secure it ? sorry i know its not related to wcs but more about javascript design, but you probably asked yourself this question too. so yes minifying js code is a way to make it harder to recever engineer it, but still not a...
  9. G

    playback very slow on android 6

    what would be the correct synthax for this ios hack. so far my play command is issued this way: participant.getStreams()[0].play(document.getElementById(targetDiv)).on(STREAM_STATUS.PLAYING, function (playingStream) { }).on(STREAM_STATUS.STOPPED, function(playingStream) {...
  10. G

    playback very slow on android 6

    hello about vp9 its strange, i had it in my configuration file...ok maybe a confusion with wowza...about playback speed looks like it was related to my 4g connection, on normal dsl connection its working as it should thank you for the tip about audio and ios, will give it a try...
  11. G

    playback very slow on android 6

    Hello just updated to latest version, and it appears that vp9 have been removed. is this the reason why now playback on android devices is very slow, looks like a very slow motion of the broadcast. as far as i remember it was ok in previous versions. also, on safari ios, it seems that if there...
  12. G

    how to get my socket id

    hello i think all is in the title: how can i get my socket id once a room is joined ? or can i specify the id i want on join ? and in the same flavor, how can i identify the origin of a message when a message is received through a room ? thanks !
  13. G

    connect to websocket from adobe air app

    ok problem solved, just had to get rid of any protocol specification. However i cant communicate though it, apparently it requires json what should be the json formatted string to send if lets say i want to broadcast a message to all users in current room ? the as3 code looks like...
  14. G

    connect to websocket from adobe air app

    Hello i need to connect to wcs websocket from an adobe air app (used for my screen sharing) in order to inform connected users in room that screensharing have started. i'm trying to use this lib: but on connected there is a protocol error. any idea of...
  15. G

    alternative to flash shared objects

    hello im redesigning my web conference app, previsouly working with flash, with webrtc and websockets. while all real time communication is fine, i'm struggling on how to find an alternative to flash shared objects to store datas such as room state etc on the server. so far i'm doing it with...
  16. G

    publishing from ios and android

    restarted wcs, still no ssl :/
  17. G

    publishing from ios and android

    imported the certificates successfully, but still red lock...should i restart wcs/apache ?
  18. G

    publishing from ios and android

    i have this error when trying to access the certificate page: Whitelabel Error Page This application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing this as a fallback. Wed Nov 15 08:53:55 CET 2017 There was an unexpected error (type=Internal Server Error, status=500)...
  19. G

    publishing from ios and android

    l latest version of server. im not using ios sdk, only html5
  20. G

    publishing from ios and android

    if i try to go to the certificate menu in dashboard, i have an error 500