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  1. M

    Color issue - broadcasting black & white

    Hello We have changed the to 24. But the issue persists. I forgot to mention, we are using these constraints too, for the publishers who wants wide video, with greater width: { "video":{ "width":"854", "height":"480", "maxBitrate":1024...
  2. M

    Color issue - broadcasting black & white

    The issue happens to all subscribers. We already using TCP in session.createStream We are setting nothing for transcoder explicitly, but we have these options at # codecs codecs...
  3. M

    Color issue - broadcasting black & white

    Some of our broadcasters started to experience problems in the video color. The publisher playback video is fine, but when broadcasting through Flashphoner servers, the subscriber receives the image with a different color profile/problem (black, white and purple image). We could reproduce it...
  4. M

    Video stream shows a white screen on Chrome 88 - Android 10

    Hello, We have updated it to the suggested version 5.2.889 but it did not fixed the issue. We are still receiving complaints of white screen from users on Android and Chrome 88. Are you aware of this problem? Thank you,
  5. M

    Video stream shows a white screen on Chrome 88 - Android 10

    Hello We have more than one server, and need wait to move broadcasters between servers, to update process. We was updating to 5.2.891 version. We already had updated some servers, but the last ones was updated for a new version, 5.2.892. We see at releases page: What was changed in this...
  6. M

    Video stream shows a white screen on Chrome 88 - Android 10

    Hello We are updating our servers, and will let you know if the issue is fixed. Regards
  7. M

    Video stream shows a white screen on Chrome 88 - Android 10

    Hello, Since yesterday we have started receiving some complaints of users reporting white screen in the video player on Chrome 88 - Android 10. Since it is a recent Chrome version, it could be a fresh bug but we could not reproduce it in a device using the same versions. We have many users on...
  8. M

    Mac OS Safari Broadcaster - HLS not working

    Hello Can you confirm if is just at Mac OS High Sierra 10.13.1 on Chrome 88 the issue? If the issue occours at Catalina or another versions? There is something we can do about the Chrome Issue? Or just wait for a new update with a fix? Regards
  9. M

    Mac OS Safari Broadcaster - HLS not working

    We are facing the same issue when broadcaster is using chrome 88 on Mac OS High Sierra. But on this time, HLS and even Webrtc do not work for users play the video, when the broadcaster is on Mac OS - Chrome. Tips to fix this issue? Regards
  10. M

    Mac OS Safari Broadcaster - HLS not working

    Hello We had some complaints about broadcasters using Mac Os and Safari. The error thrown was "invalid Constraint". We follow the forum answers, and make that fix setting ideal on width and height constraints, and disabling the constraint normalization for Safari (Step 8)...
  11. M

    IOS 14 - Safari with no support to navigator.mediaDevices API

    Hello In our company, we have many people broadcasting by their mobile devices using web browser. We are receiving complaints about IOS, with "no support to broadcast". We use this function to check if device have broadcast support before call Flashphoner WebSDK functions: function...
  12. M

    File descriptor count increasing

    We have conducted a few more tests and followed some of your suggestions by email to improve HLS playback time and failures to some users, which might be related to this problem: We are noticing that memory and FD...
  13. M


    We are seeing the following messages in our logs: 10:14:39,779 INFO bstractNioWorkerPool - HLS-HTTPS-BOSS-pool-29-thread-1 Workers size 144 Cemetery size 564 index:id:state:dead_for_ms 0:HLS-HTTPS-pool-30-thread-427:BLOCKED:745274 1:HLS-HTTPS-pool-30-thread-201:BLOCKED:1416971...
  14. M

    File descriptor count increasing

    We are seeing a huge amount of file descriptors opened by the webcallserver process culminating in service failure after a few days up. We have high limits of ~1,000,000 but we noticed the webcallserver process dies when it reaches around 160,000 opened fd, which takes approximately 3-4 days. It...
  15. M

    Rest hook validation on version 5.2.791 broken WebRTC in iPhone

    Hello Thanks for your attention. We did as you suggested, for while is working fine. Please, let me know when a fix is available. Regards
  16. M

    Rest hook validation on version 5.2.791 broken WebRTC in iPhone

    Hello Sorry for delay. We had try your suggestions, with no success. I have sent you our servers details to test. Can you check? Regards
  17. M

    Publisher playback video black

    Hello, this issue seems be fixed with this update. Thanks
  18. M

    Rest hook validation on version 5.2.791 broken WebRTC in iPhone

    Hello, We have generated the logs again in production env to include the HTTP requests. We already send this report at that form you requested. Can you check? Thanks
  19. M

    Publisher playback video black

    Do you have an update on the resolution of this? Thank you,
  20. M

    Rest hook validation on version 5.2.791 broken WebRTC in iPhone

    We did as you suggested, but the issue persist. We send the logs information of this new test as you suggested on your previous comments, by this form. We have used the 2 way streaming example on this log report, just with disableConstraintsNormalization:true and constraints changes matching...