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    Stream getting stuck for several seconds

    Hello Max, Thank you for the email. Yes, I tested the player on demo site of our server and it also has the stuck behaviour and occasionally stays on the grey screen. I have now sent the email and stream is currently live for you to have a look. Regards Azhar
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    Stream getting stuck for several seconds

    Hi, We have a stream where several users are connected to, it gets stuck for several seconds and starts playing again. I have email the support with the link to the video. Also some users it does not even start and loading icon stays on. We are currently streaming, there is only one or two...
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    Server keeps crashing with load

    thanks, that has resolved the issue and we are able to test it now.
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    Server keeps crashing with load

    Hello Max, Just adding this just to make sure my two replies have not our issue unnoticed. Regards Azhar
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    Server keeps crashing with load

    I don't get them in Spam either. I also tried to register an account with gmail and it also didn't deliver any email to spam or inbox. This use to work before.
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    Server keeps crashing with load

    Hello Max, Thanks for the info. After making those changes server did start. I started a test and streamed a video at 10-Feb-2020 9:17am UTC, it streamed fine and as more viewers started to connect to it, it crashed and webcallserver was crashed. Publisher and viewers both got Failed status...
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    Server keeps crashing with load

    Hi, We have a server running on version 5.2.213. We have created an image of that server and wanted to update to latest version. We started a new instance using the image and followed the documentation to update to the latest version. Everything works on demo, but when we switch that server on...
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    Add delay to player

    Hi, We stream single room using chatrooms. It's audio only. We want to give out free version to our users but with one min delay. Is that possible? So some users gets audio live and some gets with a min delay Thanks for the help
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    Regular Disconnects with RoomAPI

    Thanks Max. We will give it a go, we also got a response back from our network team, do you think that could be a factor too?
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    Regular Disconnects with RoomAPI

    Hi Max, I will try that setting but I am not sure if that is the reason for it. This is because we only broadcast between 8 am ET-4pm ET and busiest time for the stream when there are most connections is around 8 am to 12 ET. During that time we get most disconnections. This is also the time...
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    Is it possible to send a message to all clients without roomAPI

    Hi Max, Thank you for getting back to me. I understood the first three points. I am not sure about the forth step, what would be the URL address for /rest-api/data/send call? Which app would it be?
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    Is it possible to send a message to all clients without roomAPI

    Hi, I know there is a function to send a message to all clients using roomAPI and clients can receieve the message and process. Is the same possible using normal streams without using the roomAPI? Any pointer to the example would be really helpful thanks
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    Regular Disconnects with RoomAPI

    Hi, We are experiencing regular disconnects sometimes every min while broadcasting using roomAPI. There is only one publisher and about 300-400 listeners and it is audio-only. We are not sure what the reason could be? If we start two rooms, the second one being the test one with one or two users...
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    Is there anyway to know if stream started to publish - Auto Play

    Hi Max, Thank you for the suggestion. I have found that method but to use that you have to put the available function inside a setInterval and call that regularly to keep checking. I was just wondering if there was anything on the session to return the callback e.g. StreaminStarted event...
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    Is there anyway to know if stream started to publish - Auto Play

    Hi, We would like to autoplay the stream for the viewers when broadcaster starts to broadcast. In our case, the publisher creates an event and we generate a unique Id for the streamName and users subscribe to the event with the same Id. What we would like to do is, if the subscriber is already...
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    Our server is being spammed

    We have used the roomAPI in order to broadcast a radio. There is no video or text chat. It might not have been the best option based on what we required but this is how its done at the moment. We required only one broadcaster to stream its voice to all the connected users. Users would be...
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    Our server is being spammed

    Hello Max, Thank you for getting back to us. Yes we have changed the domain for the server due to the above problem. Essentially you can replace to 5 and rest is the same. I had to change the rest domain back to the localhost:8081/apps/RoomApp because we need to have this...
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    Our server is being spammed

    thanks Max. we are also building some authorisation using backed rest hook. I have manged to get most of working for the defaultApp for the normal streams. But, we also have room and using roomAPI and I think for that the app is RoomApp, once I point that app to our backend domain for...
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    Our server is being spammed

    Hiya, We are trying to deal with attack of some sort but don't whats wrong and how to deal with. We have restarted the server several times but its no use. here is a stats Can you please help to identify ip or something so we can block them. Currently, its unusable Already emailed the ssh...