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  1. whitedragonking

    Switch streaming content

    Hi Max, I tried to follow the instruction but still stuck, could you help me to explain more how to get the CA cert or any suggestion for making the connection, is this problem can solved only from FE, the BE said this did not come from them ? Because I do not have knowledge about the cert and...
  2. whitedragonking

    Switch streaming content

    Thank you for your reply, Btw I have another question The app working well with the old flow, but when I've changed the process as the demand it caused the error All the data to make the connection is ready, and everything for streaming are in the same class. Do you know the root cause of...
  3. whitedragonking

    Switch streaming content

    Hi team, I want to switch streaming from capture screen to camera and reverse for Android SDK, is there anyway to do it smoothly with same session ? Or it have to do with stop stream and re-config the stream options again then publish it, because I think it will cause quite long delay before...
  4. whitedragonking

    Android join to created room by Room object with custom authentication

    Hi team, I need to connect to room for sharing app screen to a web server created room by Room class connection but with customizing authen. For example I only got wss server and the room id. The website require me to send custom data in the connection as { "message":"connection"...