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  1. G

    Question about FlashPhoner on Chrome macOS Monterey 12.2

    I already test on demo FlashPhoner two-way streaming too it Caught this problem too.
  2. G

    Question about FlashPhoner on Chrome macOS Monterey 12.2

    I have a problem about Chrome macOS Monterey 12.2 After published and streaming it catch error Code 6 It's happen only on chrome with macOS Monterey 12.2. So i want to know did some update of webRTC effect on this or not ? Because in past it's work well and no error like this. Please...
  3. G

    Question about record link file.

    my code is connect demo Flashphoner which build version is 2.0.207-5, so the problem is from this version ? and if I use build 2.0.209 will this problem disappear or not ? And I use WebSDK on AWS so how long will u update 2.0.207 to 2.0.209 or it's already updated ?
  4. G

    Question about record link file.

    Thanks again for the answer. I have another question (again) about muteRemoteAudio . Since I use this command it's work until three days ago it's doesn't work anymore. I just want to know is there any update or something made it doesn't work ? Please advice Gain
  5. G

    Question about record link file.

    Thanks for the answer. I have another question about screen sharing. Is there a way to share screen by not choosing screen to share on web browser but force to share current monitor screen ? Because sometime users choose the wrong screen to share, like web browser tab or some tab that is not...
  6. G

    Question about record link file.

    What if I already streaming with record = true , And then my internet connection is lost. The question is my record stream still on my WCS server ? and if it was. how do I get the previous record link from that file ? More question. Sometime i streaming about 2 hours and after end my streaming i...
  7. G

    I want to know about minimum requirement for Flashphoner client side

    Like Minimum Window version Web browser Include minimum version Or minimum requirement and compatibility for Flashphoner client side ETC. Please Advice Thank you. Gain
  8. G

    FlashPhoner on Webview on Android iOS App not working

    I use react native and I use WebView on App to connect WebRTC it's work on iOS 14 or lower but after v 15 it's not work at all. So, I want solution solve this problem. Please advice.
  9. G

    How to clear all Flashphoner session.

    After STREAM_STATUS.PUBLISHING I tried to test STREAM_STATUS.FAILED by disconnect from internet but it don't go in .on(STREAM_STATUS.FAILED). So, what case to do to let stream go to STREAM_STATUS.FAILED ? Please advice. Gain.
  10. G

    How to clear all Flashphoner session.

    Thank you for your answer. Now I have new problem to ask. What if I live streaming and my internet connection is lost, Can I reconnect and run live streaming again from my latest stream that lost connection from internet or I have to run new live stream only ? Ref. How to reconnect to a stream...
  11. G

    How to clear all Flashphoner session.

    Excuse me again. I have one more question to ask. How can I get public IP from session that created with JavaScript ? Thank you so much.
  12. G

    How to clear all Flashphoner session.

    Hello. I want to know if I have more than 1 sessions. How can I clear all session or selected session in JavaScript ? And one more question how can I get local IP from session if I use load balance on AWS service? Please advice. Gain
  13. G

    Configuration WCS livestream up to 300 streams ON AWS EC2

    Thank you for advice. I have one more question to ask. I use WCS on AWS service, do I have to buy license too or it already include with it ?
  14. G

    Configuration WCS livestream up to 300 streams ON AWS EC2

    Hello. I use WCS on AWS service, And I have one question to ask. How can I config WCS on AWS service to livestream up to 300 streams in one time ? Also, I want to know recommend package for up to 200 livestreams that I should use for WCS on AWS service. Please advice. Gain
  15. G

    Problem with WCS on AWS E2

    Hello, Administrator First Solution you said check media port from 31001 - 32000/ udp. As you can see from picture it's already set up, And it's on AWS EC2. If this not correct, How can i check port on AWS ? Please Advice Thanks, Gain