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  1. DeanSLR

    Webcallserver in docker - Failed to connect to rtsp stream

    I actually suddenly cannot ping the RTSP ip from within the container. what could cause this issue?
  2. DeanSLR

    Webcallserver in docker - Failed to connect to rtsp stream

    Hi, @Max After getting this to work. It did for a few days then after updating the WCS to latest docker image I'm starting to get again the error: Cannot connect to RTSP Stream. Here is the new log file. You can see I try to connect to - 63. which are cameras connected directly...
  3. DeanSLR

    Webcallserver in docker - Failed to connect to rtsp stream

    Thanks, after looking further into the network config, I needed to share all these ports: -p8444:8444 -p8443:8443 -p1935:1935 -p30000-33000:30000-33000 now it works. thanks
  4. DeanSLR

    Webcallserver in docker - Failed to connect to rtsp stream

    I'm attaching the recent server logs of the failed connections. I'm using the WebSDK to make the initial connection.
  5. DeanSLR

    Webcallserver in docker - Failed to connect to rtsp stream

    Thanks, I am able to ping the IP cameras from within the Flashphoner container.
  6. DeanSLR

    Webcallserver in docker - Failed to connect to rtsp stream

    Hello, I'm running a WCS instance via docker on MAC and followed this guide: Now, I'm able to ping the container, and login to the web instance on after configuring all the docker network stuff. In...
  7. DeanSLR

    WCS in docker ICE candidate timeout

    Hello, I have worked with WCS for a while and now we need to move the server to a docker container. I have pulled the recent version and ran the container like this: docker run -e LICENSE=$WCS_LICENSE -e PASSWORD=$WCS_PW --net=bridge --name webcallserver-instance -d...
  8. DeanSLR

    rtsp_interleaved_mode not working

    Hello, I try to change to UDP with: rtsp_interleaved_mode=false in the properties file. Then when I connect to the stream I get the 'STREAM PLAYING' event but all I see is white screen. When I remove this it works fine.. Thanks for the help!
  9. DeanSLR

    Cant access admin in WCS

  10. DeanSLR

    Cant access admin in WCS

    Hi, I have a webcallserver and cant access admin:admin in ssh nor https. I changed the conf/database.yml file and used service restart webcallserver but still doesnt work.
  11. DeanSLR

    Playing an RTSP stream via webRTC in local network

    I'll clarify: the client is a VueJS app with the code logic for creating a session and playing the stream. But once the camera streams are not connected directly to the clients PC but now i'm on another PC in the LAN. this logic doesnt make sense anymore I think. I just need a clarification
  12. DeanSLR

    Playing an RTSP stream via webRTC in local network

    Hello, I have the following topology: RTSP Stream1 | RTSP Stream2 | ----------> Server + WCS ----------> Client (Browser) RTSP Stream3 | RTSP Stream4 | I'm able to establish a connection to the WCS in the browser and view the stream when i'm on localhost. but in the LAN from another computer I...
  13. DeanSLR

    AdapterJS is not defined

    thanks Max. my issue was that my Vuejs app was served in http and not https so webrtc didnt work properly - only on localhost
  14. DeanSLR

    AdapterJS is not defined

    Hello Max, On localhost - I dont get this error. but when accessing the site from another computer on the network - I get this error once again. This happens on the Flashphoner init method. I compiled this: and when accessing...
  15. DeanSLR

    AdapterJS is not defined

    Hey, I'm using the SDK with Vuejs and I'm getting the error: ReferenceError: AdapterJS is not defined at Object.init. I've done npm install multiple times and still this issue persists. anyone know how to solve? thanks
  16. DeanSLR

    How to embed multiple players in one webpage?

    Ok, this seems to be getting there, but i'm still getting some other error: None of preferred MediaProviders are available I have embedded 3 different streams into Chrome browser - in my VueJS app. Perhaps I need to insert the streams programically using the SDK?
  17. DeanSLR

    How to embed multiple players in one webpage?

    Hey, So embedding 1 player via the embeded player in the admin panel works great. When I try to embed multiple players I only view 1 of them. how to embed more than 1? thanks