load test

  1. R

    Concurrent Clients

    Hello Max, How many maximum concurrent user connection we can use in one high configuration server with 10gbps Bandwidth ? Thank you
  2. KaranBhansali91

    Concurrent connection capacity when using webrtc as rtmp republishing.

    Hi, We have setup server with configuration m5.2xlarge with flashphoner version 5.2.1261, how much concurrent connection the server handle ? We are publishing at 720p30. Regards, Karan Bhansali
  3. S

    Flashphoner load testing

    Hi Max, not able to download the testing tool from here: https://flashphoner.com/stress-tests-and-load-tool/ Can you help
  4. R

    Streams count per instance

    Hi Team , We have webcall server installed in aws ,we need to know how many RTSP streams the wcs server support ? For example we have t3.medium type how can we estimate the stream number for this instance ? In the load test provided in the website we are unable to compare it with the AWS...
  5. mkoeller

    Increase the number of participants in MCU conference

    Hello, i have build a MCU conference tool and i am unable to connect more than 16 user to the conference. The user #17 receives the error message "FAILED Session does not exist". The flashphoner.log has this error: 21:29:43,328 ERROR e7a55a42ddd6d6f95012 - AVMixer-pool-45-thread-2 TRANSCODER...
  6. suneel321

    setting for 1000 user in flashphoner.properties file please help us

    we are running 500 user streaming on server, 50 CPU 128 GB RAM but flashphoner is down Please help
  7. suneel321

    How do I solve memory leakage problem in wcs ?

    How do I solve memory leakage problem ? I need to do proctor 1000 users at one go. Thanks
  8. A

    Назрузочное тестирование микшеров

    Добрый день. Подскажите пожалуйста как адаптировать тест для webrtc потоков. https://flashphoner.com/skolko-miksherov-mozhet-byt-na-servere/?lang=ru
  9. A

    Stress Publish Stream

    Добрый день. Тестируем через "Console" , "Stress Publish Stream" . Хотим добиться пцбликации, например 100 потоков какое-то время. По аналогии с pull streams. Запускаем поток на нагрузочном сервере(5.2.903) и его копии передаем на origin(5.2.940) Запускаем тест Start 1 End 100 Rate 10 Init...
  10. burak guder

    Problem accessing web service

    Hİ I have a 32 core server with an average of 400 people connecting to total bitrate 350kbit Although there was no problem on the stream side, the web service crashed and the embet player did not open. It worked when I restarted the webcallserver again. I see the following error numbers on...
  11. V

    Падает flashphoner при 10-15 одновременных стримах

    Добрый день! Организовали инстанс на EC2 для записи стримов, пик нагрузки примерно 100 одновременных стримов, но большую часть времени число от 10 до 30. Инстанс c5.4xlarge, но после нескольких часов работы несколько ядер начинают грузиться в 100%, в настройках ядра увеличена память для heap -...
  12. ksko

    WCS Stress Test

    Hello, guys While looking for WebRTC support servers, I came across WCS5 and tried to test it. I installed WCS on Amazon EC2 and Standalone(30 day license). I've checked the demo apps, and I'd like to do a load test. I'm following the documents below, but they don't seem to be working...
  13. alexey

    Низкая пропускная способность сети

    Добрый день! Поднял 2 сервера, для тестов на docker в Яндекс Облаке. Характеристики серверов примерно 32vcpu/96Gb памяти. Делал по инструкции https://flashphoner.com/kakoy-nuzhen-server-dlya-1000-webrtc-strimov/?lang=ru проверял сеть с iperf в результате 3,7Gbps. Однако во время теста видим вот...
  14. Fiji

    Не работает rest api rest-api/pull/pull при нагрузочном тестировании

    Добрый день. Есть два сервера, первый с полной лицензией, второй с демо. 1. Публикую поток video1 на первом сервере wss://server1.priv:8443 2. в приложении streaming/console добавляю свои два сервера, захожу на второй сервер 3. Нажимаю Pull stream задаю параметры WCS address...
  15. S

    Cloud server performance issue

    Hi, We have a setup of multiple WCS servers on Azure. Recently we did load testing to determine maximum load of a server and we came to some unexpected results. Server details: 16 vCPUs and 64GB of RAM, Azure Das_v4 series Operating system: Ubuntu 20.04 JDK: openjdk version 12.0.2...
  16. M


    We are seeing the following messages in our logs: 10:14:39,779 INFO bstractNioWorkerPool - HLS-HTTPS-BOSS-pool-29-thread-1 Workers size 144 Cemetery size 564 index:id:state:dead_for_ms 0:HLS-HTTPS-pool-30-thread-427:BLOCKED:745274 1:HLS-HTTPS-pool-30-thread-201:BLOCKED:1416971...
  17. M

    File descriptor count increasing

    We are seeing a huge amount of file descriptors opened by the webcallserver process culminating in service failure after a few days up. We have high limits of ~1,000,000 but we noticed the webcallserver process dies when it reaches around 160,000 opened fd, which takes approximately 3-4 days. It...
  18. I

    Зависание при нагрузочном тестировании.

    Здравствуйте. Для тестов использую client2/examples/demo/streaming/console/console.html (Pull streams) Публикую один поток, с другой машины эмулирую 500 подписчиков. После >400 соединений рост прекращается, с этого момента подключаться, публиковать потоки нельзя до перезапуска. Исходящая...
  19. W

    Тестирование сервера

    Добрый день. Как корректно протестировать нагрузку на сервер? У нас имеется 2 сервера: Сервер 1 - 48 ядер / 100 Ggb - оперативки Сервер 2 - 32 ядра / 100 Ggb - оперативки Тестировать пытаемся с помощью приложения "Console" через "Stress Play Stream". На сервере 1 публикуется поток, на сервере 2...
  20. sangsoo

    How to run ASG on Ec2 spec with more than recommended C4.large?

    Hello. EDGE Auto Scaling Test is in progress for each EC2 instance type. 1. Published in FHD CBR 2500 in OBS, and played as many times as specified in Edge without transcoding. -I used "Load testing using WebRTC pulling". 2. The CPU usage was measured at the edge. 3. 1 stream for comparison...