
  1. Alesia Bondar

    TURN server and SFU

    Добрый вечер, подскажите, пожалуйста, как подключить терн сервер при использовании сфу. Раньше прописывали таким образом: Flashphoner.createSession({urlServer: url, mediaOptions: {"iceServers": [ { 'url': 'turn:test.flashphoner.com:3478?transport=tcp', 'credential': 'coM77EMrV7Cwhyan'...
  2. hyuk

    video receive problem

    Hi Video reception is not available from a specific computer on the local network. For reference, all other computers work fine. I am using 3478 as the turn server port, and I have confirmed that the packet is passed. The wireshark logs from the PC client side are attached by dividing the...
  3. hyuk

    Internal turn question

    Hi, When using the internal turn server, it was confirmed that the port can only be used with tcp. As I checked while changing the options in flashphoner.properties, the turn server does not operate normally if the option ice_tcp_transport=true is set. Any reason?
  4. Y

    Video issues with WebRTC over TURN

    Hi, I have a strange phenomenon while playing webrtc over turn. I'm publishing rtmp video h264 + acc, 6 fps, to flashphoner WCS and play it in several methods: 1. WebRTC - plays well. 2. ffplay (to play the rtmp stream) - plays well. 3. WebRTC over TURN (internal server) - Has issues: When the...
  5. Y

    Using internal TURN server

    Hi, I'm using WSC 5.2 from marketplace on AWS and I'm trying to use the internal TURN server and I'll appreciate some help here. It seems that the TURN server failed to listen on port 3478 on the external interface. I followed this document...
  6. J

    open ports and firewall

    Hi We are using Flashphoner. My developer has opened Ports 30 000 - 33 000 to facilitate livestreaming. The company who provides security for the site says that their firewall cannot be configured to protect our sites anymore because of the open ports. What is the solution? Thanks!
  7. M

    ICE Timeout on AWS Marketplace AMI

    Hi, I am trying to stream in AWS EC2 by using Market place AMI (https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/B07ZVRPH5G?qid=1599065528391&sr=0-1&ref_=srh_res_product_title). I can successfully publish stream but when I installed turnserver (coturn), I can't and it always fails with message "Failed by...
  8. A

    Failed by ICE timeout

    We have recently setup ICE server which is different from our existing WCS server. We decided to go for TURN server as web rtc was failing in some networks intermittently. When I try to create a media session with that ICE server, it times out saying failed by ICE timeout. But on the TURN server...
  9. C

    ICE candidates not sent by client

    How are the ICE candidates sent from the browser client to the server when using WebRTC? On the WebSocket, the playStream message is sent with "c=IN IP4" and there are no ICE candidates present. This is similar to the playStream example documented at...
  10. richard-vd

    freezes (but only when WCS output is UDP)

    My stream often freezes for a few seconds, while audio continues uninterrupted. It only happens when WCS outputs UDP, either directly using UDP WebRTC or even indirectly using the internal TURN server (in that case the only use of UDP is between TURN and WCS!). The same stream over TCP WebRTC or...
  11. R

    Ice Servers

    Hello! Is this correct? We are using credentials from DEMO of FlashPhoner TURN function start() { //check if we already have session if (Flashphoner.getSessions().length > 0) { startStreaming(Flashphoner.getSessions()[0]); } else { //create session var url =...