web sdk

  1. sangsoo

    Chrome extension v3 version upload problem

    Hello. I am creating a chrome extension that selects a browser tab and publishes a stream to the startup API. I am using flashphoner-room-api.js and it works well in the local environment using RoomApi.sdk. When uploading the code to extension-store, it is rejected because there are encrypted...
  2. hyuk

    Ensuring Consistent Speakerphone Volume Control for Published Video Playback

    I am conducting tests on the demo site with two-way streaming and have encountered an issue related to audio playback and volume control on Android devices. When adjusting the android ( galaxy flip 4 chrome web browser ) hardware volume buttons during a WebRTC connection, the volume always...
  3. D

    Вопросы по кастомизации окна плеера

    Добрый день! Подскажите, пожалуйста, по кастомизации плеера и его настроек: 1. Возможно ли сделать автоматический запуск трансляции в плеере, чтобы участнику при переходе на страницу не нужно было бы нажимать на кнопку плей в плеере. 2. Можно ли убрать кнокпку "Fullscreen" в плеере, чтобы не...
  4. ser

    Черный экран при смене камеры switchCam

    Здравствуйте При трансляции через браузер и смене камеры через метод switchCam на мобильных устройствах вместо картинки получаем черный экран Такое происходит если в настройках стоит спрашивать разрешение каждый раз. Это настройка по умолчанию Если в этих настройках поменять разрешение на...
  5. S

    Can't establish a WebSocket connection in Win 11

    We have been utilizing the embedded player that comes with the WCS server install as an easy way to play streams in our web application. This has been working fine (quite well, actually) for over a year now, but it doesn't seem to work on Win 11 machines. Dev console for Win 10: Dev console...
  6. S

    WebSDK 2.0.247 not working (Vue.js app) (only one instance of babel-polyfill is allowed)

    Hi, -Version: 5.5.2-1043 (Amazon AWS) -WebSDK: 2.0.247 (2.0.202 works) I tried to update to the latest WebSDK 2.0.247 in my vue app. However this fails, the error message is attached. Error: Flashphoner API is not initialized Uncaught (in promise) Error: only one instance of babel-polyfill...
  7. motipa

    ERROR Error: Flashphoner API is not initialized

    When i try to create session using @flashphoner/websdk in angular project, I got ERROR Error: Flashphoner API is not initialized
  8. hyuk

    Inquiry Regarding Connection Timeout Issue during Network Switching with Room API and Video Streaming

    Hi, We are currently experiencing challenges in our Flashphoner implementation, specifically during video streaming using the Room API. When transitioning from LTE to WiFi, a connection timeout issue occurs, and the error message "The operation couldn't be completed, operation timed out"...
  9. hyuk

    I want to do voice recognition.

    Hi, I want to perform some action by voice recognition during live. For example, I want to capture a specific word. Is there any support like voice recognition in flashphoner? If there is no supported function, I would like to use the voice data of the flashphoner directly. webrtc for...
  10. N

    Проблема с разрешением на ios

    добрый день! Наблюдается проблема с разрешением на ios устройствах, при публикации потока устанавливаем разрешение 640x360 this.myStream = await room .publish({ name: encodeURIComponent(this.localOrator.name), display: display...
  11. KaranBhansali91

    Flashphoner media device release

    Hi, We are using Flashphoner.releaseLocalMedia(localVideo) to release the media device, when the component unmounts in react. The webcam light remains on even though, can you confirm the code is written correctly?
  12. Henrique Paim

    Player of a Live broadcast iOS asking camera/video permission

    I have a system broadcasting WebRTC and players on mobile devices that just receive the audio/video. This work well on computers and Android devices. However, on iOS the audio/video is not working. I don't have error messages as well. But when I include these lines on the player, it works well...
  13. N

    Не срабатывает pc.ontrack

    Добрый день! Имеется тестовое устройство Samsung SM-M326B в хроме работает корректно, а Samsung Internet browser 17.0 наблюдаются проблемы, на рабочем проекте никак не срабатывает событие pc.ontrack при попытке протестировать все на странице Media Devices connect происходит успешно, publish...
  14. P

    flashphoner/websdk: ошибка при вызове Flashphoner.init({})

    Здравствуйте! В WebSDK при инициализации (вызове Flashphoner.init({})) получаем ошибку: ReferenceError: AdapterJS is not defined Далее ничего не происходит. Приложение ранее работало, никаких изменений в коде приложения не было. Версия websdk: 2.0.226. Скажите, пожалуйста, в чем может быть...
  15. S

    switchCam and switchMic is not working

    Hi, While switching input camera and mic we are getting below error: switchCam :- After publishing the stream, switching the input camera response we are getting proper video id but, device input camera is not switching. MicCam:- While switching the mic we are getting error as "Cannot create...
  16. andrew.n

    Filters (beautify, AR, etc) on live streaming

    @Max Everything works great with the SDK, and of course, new requests came up such as using filters during the live stream. I want to ask you if you had that kind of request before, or if there is another SDK to add over the current FlashPhoner SDK to handle this request. It will be useful if...
  17. S

    Mirror effect on participant local media(CAMERA)

    Hi, Participant local video should be show on mirror effect is there any option from flashphoner side to active mirror effect?
  18. marko.nastic

    Canvas streaming issue - Android Chrome

    Recording the canvas stream doesn't work on the newest Android Chrome version(104.0.5112.69). Session and stream are established and stream preview works properly in the video element flashphoner library creates, but the recording never starts. In other browsers and on other devices all work as...
  19. R

    Script error when we're streaming multiple cameras

    We are getting following error : Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'currentTime') at t.<anonymous> (flashphoner.js:13277:140560) at n.emit (flashphoner.js:13272:221258) at n.trigger (flashphoner.js:13277:115555) at e.value (flashphoner.js:13277:119656)
  20. Dani

    How can I debug session.createStream function ?

    I have this function but when it fails - it doesn't reach the first console.log and I can't tell why it's failing. how can I debug this ? session = Flashphoner.getSessions()[0]; session.createStream(optionsStreamVid).on(STREAM_STATUS.PUBLISHING, function (streamOutV)...