web sdk

  1. S

    Adding watermark from client side

    Hi guys, we are trying to add custom watermark to our WebRTC stream by intercepting the stream and Flashphoner client library communication, can you please suggest me where I can intercept the stream and add the logo. our workflow should look like this WebRTC Stream -> Intercept Stream (Adding...
  2. A

    Используемая версия пакета uuid устарела и генерирует warning-и при установке пакета WebSDK

    Здравствуйте. При установке пакета WebSDK пакетный менеджер генерирует следующий warning: Используемая версия uuid 3.1.0 считается устаревшей (релиз был 16 июня 2017 года) и не рекомендуется к использованию, гайд по миграции на более свежие версии. Прошу обновить этот пакет в зависимостях...
  3. S

    Flashphoner WebSDK, auto reconnect (Vue.js webapp)

    Hello -Version: 5.2.780 (Amazon AWS) -WebSDK is 2.0.170 I am building a vue.js webapp and was wondering, if there is the possibility in the websdk to specify that if the connection to the websocket is lost, an instant (infinite retry count, interval 10s) reconnect should be triggered (same...
  4. dex35

    Изменение качества картинки налету

    Здравствуйте. Подскажите пожалуйста, возможно ли изменение качества изображения или фреймрейта потока налету? Например, пользователь публикует поток с камеры и демонстрирует экран, при плохом соединении картинка демонстрации начинает искажаться, т.к. у нее выше разрешение (ограничено до full...
  5. S

    Flashphoner WebSDK timeout on connection issues (Vue.js webapp)

    Hello -Version: 5.2.780 (Amazon AWS) -WebSDK is 2.0.165 I am building a vue.js webapp and want to generate error messages when trying to connect ty the streaming service in case its not available. I noticed that only after approx. 15-20 seconds i get the state back from the...
  6. Artem Shabanov

    Проблема с chat rooms

    Добрый день! Захотел добавить чат в проект на React, установил npm-пакет @flashphoner/websdk, скопировал в проект код из демо, но выдает ошибку
  7. R

    отсутсвие обновление с 2015 года

    Ваша библиотека https://github.com/flashphoner/flashphoner_client/blob/wcs_api/client/src/Flashphoner.js обновлялась последний раз 15 августа 2016 года Видим вам писали про проблему с сафари на мобильных устройствах 24 ноября 2020 года...
  8. I

    Webrtc stream won't stop publishing

    Hello, I have a webrtc setup where the user can start/stop a live stream with buttons. The first time they click the start button, .publish() is called and the STREAM_STATUS.PUBLISHING section of code works great. Then if they click the stop button, .stop() is called and the...
  9. A

    React Native SDK

    Hi, We have an app built in react native for our audio only stream. Do you have any guidance on how to implement play only stream using that? Regards Azhar
  10. L

    auto make call

    Hi After clicking the URL click-to-call-min.js can automatically make call without clicking the button. How to do? Thanks.
  11. dex35

    Отправить дополнительную информацию о пользователе

    Здравствуйте. Подскажите пожалуйста, можно ли в roomApi отправить дополнительную информацию по пользователю, помимо username?
  12. Dani

    VOD demo fails

    I tried to write this code based on your demo: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!-- Shaka Player compiled library: --> <script src="dist/shaka-player.compiled.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="flashphoner/flashphoner.min.js"></script> <script...
  13. Dani

    how can I avoid stream disconnect

    in case of steam issues - how can I avoid stream disconnect ? if I get the STREAM FAILED event - can I ignore it (for example for 3 times) and if the stream is still ok it will keep working ? if the stream is not good will I get more events of STREAM FAILED ?
  14. E

    Session is undefined - Two_way_streaming.js

    Hi, What can be the problem, that i get "session is undefined" in firefox, and some times in chrome. Some times visa/versa. I get this error: "Uncaught TypeError: session is undefined" The following line fails: var session = Flashphoner.getSessions()[0]; constraints = { audio...
  15. K

    Cannot play mixer stream in iOS

    Hello, We cannot get mixer video playing in iOS. After stream is created, we get a black video area. Then after a minute "Failed By ICE timeout" error appears. We tested this on various iOS devices, so it seems to be the general error. Note that "Two-way Streaming" example works, so this is...
  16. P

    WebRTC: Have to push switch button twice when starting a stream with the rear camera since WebSDK

    Hi Before this update it was possible in the “then” call after getMediaDevices to call list.video = list.video.reverse(); and by doing so make it use the backwards facing camera to begin with. However, from WebSDK version and onwards using this method makes the switch button...
  17. Александр

    Логгирование событий веб приложения на сервер Flashphoner

    Здравствуйте, у меня возникла проблема при запуске веб-приложения, воспроизводящего трансляции видеофайла с диска, через сервер Flashphoner. На сервере ffmpeg преобразует видеофайл на диске в rtmp поток, с именем которое я указываю в опциях стрима в веб-приложении. Приложение использует WebRTC...
  18. S

    strange case of MSE and the "Worker"

    Hi, I finally succeed in playing a stream using MSE provider. I was having issues with MSE Provider I wasn't able to play a stream on my website ( I could play it with the examples though). So definitely something on my website is causing problems. This was the error before: The error I had...
  19. Dani

    Update to latest wcs server and client -

    We've done all the tests on iphone XR 14.3 After updating server code and client version to latest on production servers iphone xr works great, but iphone 12 and 11 can't open the camera.... is there any changes in the code needed to be done to support iphone 11 and 12 that are not needed for...
  20. S

    Websdk issue ios camera toggle from version (october)

    Hi there Seems like there's an issue with media devices on IOS going from websdk to all new versions including the latest Running latest wcs 5.2.873 We have a video chat where users can toggle cameras, on android it works ok, on ios tested version 14.0 and...