
  1. sangsoo

    Canvas Streaming Error in Chrome Canary 93

    Hello. There is an error when running the Canvas Streaming in the latest version of Chrome Canary (93.0.4549.3). - https://docs.flashphoner.com/display/WCS52EN/From+an+HTML5+Canvas+element+(whiteboard)+in+a+browser+via+WebRTC - A problem occurs when using the H264 codec. - VP8 codec works...
  2. V

    Некоторые стримы не сохраняются

    Добрый день! В продолжении темы - сейчас переработал сервер, теперь в iops и в цпу не упираемся, озу достаточно, примонтирован HDD в /records/, сейчас пишется примерно 2-5 стримов единовременно, нагрузка совсем небольшая, тюнинг произведен, но все равно некоторые стримы не сохраняются. Вообще...
  3. M

    Color issue - broadcasting black & white

    Some of our broadcasters started to experience problems in the video color. The publisher playback video is fine, but when broadcasting through Flashphoner servers, the subscriber receives the image with a different color profile/problem (black, white and purple image). We could reproduce it...
  4. T

    Stream black screen on safari mobile

    Hi. I am testing FlashPhoner stream on safari mobile. Everything is ok. When, during streaming on safari, i get phone call, stream video become black and not recovered. Or when I minimize browser, use Viber, WhatsApp or other applications, then maximize browser, stream screen is black and not...
  5. C

    Вопросы по реализации решения

    Добрый день. Мы столкнулись с некоторыми вопросами, на которые не смогли получить ответ из документации и понять как работает всё под капотом. Наше приложение передаёт входящий поток(rtmp - obs или webrtc - браузер) на origin и в данный момент отдаёт на сайте по webrtc(low latency) и hls...
  6. Mik

    Проблема записи с телефона Samsung

    Ещё раз добрый день Клиент пишет (вернее пытается) сделать запись с телефона samsung. Браузер chrome. Пробовали wi-fi и сотовую связь. В обоих вариантах получаем Failed by ICE timeout. Полный лог прилагаю.
  7. Mik

    Перестали работать iOS клиенты

    Добрый день Есть подозрение, что прошлое некое обновление IOS клиентов, после чего они (практически все) перестали писать видео. Помогите, пожалуйста, с разбором логов (прилагаю).
  8. M

    JS SDK - Playback doesn't work until cache is cleared

    Hi! Some of my customers are not getting the stream to work until they open it in a new private tab or clear their browser cache. The issue is coming and going, so it might be working first and then not work the second time they open the stream. Only a small portion of viewers are having this...
  9. T

    Video freezing after a few hour

    Just did a long run testing, after viewing video for a few hour, the video was freezing on both windows chrome and edge on same PC from 17 different rtsp cameras. If i using /rest-api/stream/find_all to check, all the session and rtsp are still connecting, if i stop the session without pubishing...
  10. T

    Video not smooth or stopped on iOS

    Tested on https://server4.teleeye.link:8444/admin/demo.html on safari on iOS -> Embed player: rtsp:// The video can started, but sometime it is stopped and not smooth, but no problem on the chrome on MS Windows at the same time. What could the problem? Thanks
  11. prateek_sharma

    Reference Error :browser is not defined

    sharbtn.onclick = startSharing(); function startSharing() { var session = Flashphoner.getSessions()[0]; var constraints = { video: {} }; constraints.video.type = "screen"; constraints.video.withoutExtension = true; session.createStream({ name:"desktop"...
  12. Nir Familier

    Getting Error in some cases

    I have some users , that are getting this exception when connecting to Flashphoner server, and the camera cant stream. In some other cases there is no problem. Can you please explain why they are getting this exception?
  13. S

    Issue With Screen Share

    Hi guys, we are doing Screen Sharing & Live Stream using Flashphoner Webcall Server, while Live Stream working fine we have few queries regarding Screen Sharing - 1. can we switch video source, once a session got established 2. is it possible to switch between "Webcam Feed & Screen Feed"...
  14. P

    WebRTC:VP8 player loader keeps spinning

    Hi We have an issue with the VP8 codec that is not present in 5.2.940 but seems to have started from 5.2.944 (maybe even 5.2.942) and newer. Unfortunately, it is a bit difficult to reproduce. It helps leaving out H264 in the flashphoner.properties file codecs list and then starting and stopping...
  15. dex35

    Запуск стрима, если отсутствует камера

    Здравствуйте. Подскажите, можно ли запускать стрим, если у человека отсутствует камера, но в наличии микрофон? Пробовал указывать в constraints только audio - видео в итоге не у кого не запускается, используем roomApi.
  16. T

    Buffering on webrtc?

    The config as below: Video Cam->RTSP->WCS->WebRTC->Browser, Is it possible to add some buffering of about 0.25s to 0.5s delay, so that the video can be smoother on network jittering, and i don't mine the delay within about 1 seconds. Thanks
  17. ksko

    Delay after aging

    I'm testing aging, and I checked it 16 hours later, and there's a delay of about 8 seconds. Browser : Chrome 90.0.4430.72 Test app : "Player" in the demo The left one started 16 hours ago, and the right one just started. Is there anything I can look for to solve the problem?
  18. J

    replaying WEBRTC stream with video tag in HTML5

    He are seeing error in replaying webrtc stream with below video tag: <div id="videoFrameContainer"> <video id='fp_embed_player'...
  19. evgeniy.mukhin

    Прерывание трансляции

    Добрый день. В продолжение темы Прерывание-трансляции-на-origin прикреплю отчет и ссылку на архив с tcpdump, содержимым iptables и отчетами с серверов edge и origin
  20. Nir Familier

    Webm configuration

    Hi, I need to send streaming videos as webm and not mp4. How do i set the server/client to save stream and save as webm files.