I use the command below for getting RTMP stream start time.
ffprobe -i rtmp:// -rtmp_buffer 0 -rtmp_live live -v quiet -print_format json -show_format
And I am using 'currentTime' property from the video tag to calculate a video delay.
However, I can not find 'currentTime' property for IOS as I use WSPlayer, but I guess the current time is somewhere in the video.
So I hope someone can show me the way to get it. Thanks.
ffprobe -i rtmp:// -rtmp_buffer 0 -rtmp_live live -v quiet -print_format json -show_format
And I am using 'currentTime' property from the video tag to calculate a video delay.
However, I can not find 'currentTime' property for IOS as I use WSPlayer, but I guess the current time is somewhere in the video.
So I hope someone can show me the way to get it. Thanks.