Android SDK 1.1 or 1.0 is not supported to change the VideoCapturer

kyu won

New Member
I need to change the VideoCapturer in com.flashphoner.fpwcsapi.webrtc.WebRTCMediaProvider.

This like method
WebRTCMediaProvider.getInstance().setVideoCapturer(VideoCapturer videoCapturer)


Staff member
Good day.
Please clarify what do you trying to implement.
If you try to switch a camera from front to back and vice versa, please use publishStream.switchCamera() functions, see Media Device example source code on GitHub.
If you try to capture something not from media device (camera and microphone), this is not implemented in Android SDK. You can use WebSDK to capture HTML5 canvas element in Chrome browser.

kyu won

New Member
Good day.
Please clarify what do you trying to implement.
If you try to switch a camera from front to back and vice versa, please use publishStream.switchCamera() functions, see Media Device example source code on GitHub.
If you try to capture something not from media device (camera and microphone), this is not implemented in Android SDK. You can use WebSDK to capture HTML5 canvas element in Chrome browser.

I would like to implement the VideoCapturere that is used to MediaProjection.

It's possible if it can set a videoCapturere.
Could you provide to us the setter that can be changed the videoCapturer?


Staff member
Good day.
We raised internal ticket (WCS-2234) and let you know results in this topic.


Staff member
Good day.
We have implemented screen capture in Android SDK 1.1 build
To demonstrate the feature, Android Screen sharing example was added. Please see the description here and example code on GitHub.