Can't connect web page with the server


Staff member
Please share Chrome Developer Tools (F12) console output and server-side logs WCS_HOME/logs/server_logs/flashphoner.log
Then we will be able to check errors.

Mohamed Roshdy

New Member
Chrome console:
registerEventsMessage called
ial.js:4892 ready: before call parse for last time {timer: null, count: 0, error: true, data: null, parsedOnReady: false, …}
VM5677 flashphoner.js:7460 The Web Audio autoplay policy will be re-enabled in Chrome 71 (December 2018). Please check that your website is compatible with it.
init @ VM5677 flashphoner.js:7460
init_page @ VM5685 player.js:27
onload @ player.html:21
VM5677 flashphoner.js:10539 12:49:13 INFO webrtc - Initialized
VM5677 flashphoner.js:10539 12:49:13 INFO websocket - Initialized
VM5677 flashphoner.js:10539 12:49:13 INFO core - Initialized
flashphoner.js:7460 The Web Audio autoplay policy will be re-enabled in Chrome 71 (December 2018). Please check that your website is compatible with it.
init @ flashphoner.js:7460
init_page @ two_way_streaming.js:14
onload @ two_way_streaming.html:18
flashphoner.js:10539 12:49:17 INFO webrtc - Initialized
flashphoner.js:10539 12:49:17 INFO websocket - Initialized
flashphoner.js:10539 12:49:17 INFO core - Initialized
two_way_streaming.js:37 Create new session with url wss://
flashphoner.js:10539 12:49:25 INFO webrtc - {audio: true, video: {…}}
flashphoner.js:10557 12:49:26 WARN core - DOMException: Could not start video source


Staff member
flashphoner.js:10557 12:49:26 WARN core - DOMException: Could not start video source

Please verify that access to camera is allowed for the site and camera is working (e.g. with