Change AWS License.


Staff member

On AWS EC2, WCS server is expected be used only in the AWS Marketplace Image with its built-in hourly license.
The other license you have can be used on other hosting, Digital Ocean or dedicated server. Or, it can be returned - for that, please send the request with the license key to


Staff member
Good day.
I have the same problem and the demo doesnt work i need help what can i do who can help me its the first time whith amazon
Please clarify your problem: you have your own license and want to use it in AWS instance? If yes, please look at this post. If you have another problem, please create a separate topic and describe a problem in details including logs, screenshots, configuration files and so on. Our engineers will help you.
[QUOTE = "Max, publicación: 22272, miembro: 21"] Buen día.

Aclare su problema: ¿tiene su propia licencia y desea usarla en la instancia de AWS? En caso afirmativo, mira esta publicación . Si tiene otro problema, cree un tema separado y describa un problema en detalles, incluidos registros, capturas de pantalla, archivos de configuración, etc. Nuestros ingenieros lo ayudarán. [/ CITA]
Lo que pasa es que yo contrate un AWS con web call server 5 se instalo la instancia y llego hasta el demo pero no funciona no logro hacer que funcione, pero tampoco puedo usar la licencia de demostración, dice que la licencia actual expira el 2019.11.25. Cuando voy al sitio de demostración e intento ejecutar cualquiera de las demostraciones, ninguna de ellas funciona.
se necesita hacer algo adicional ?


Staff member
Good day.
Please check the file /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/logs/license.log. If there are the following messages in this log
00:05:14,442 INFO          Subscription - Subscription Thread processSuccessPingResult result: PingResult{status='success'}
00:05:14,442 INFO          Subscription - Subscription Thread Subscription success, connection repaired or subscription has been renewed after a temporary cancellation
00:05:14,442 INFO          Subscription - Subscription Thread successLicense licenseStatus: success success >> success
00:20:14,514 INFO          Subscription - Subscription Thread ping ret: success
that means the license is activated and server can work. If the file contains some other messages, please collect server logs as described here and send to, we will check.
If the license is activated, but stream publishing does not work, please check if media ports (30000-33000/udp by default) are available on server as described here.


New Member
Hi Max, I have created a DigitalOcean instance of flashphoner as you suggested.. but the result is still the same.. I am not able to run the demos they always fail, I also checked the license.log It indicates that the license is active just as you've shown.. however I was not able to follow the instructions of this link some commands are not working properly. I might be doing something wrong.. However I did try to get a list of active ports and this is what displays.. As you can see the port you mentioned is not displayed.. If you wish for me to follow the above link then can you give me a more elaborate and detailed description of what I need to do? Thanks.



New Member
It suddenly started working.. I don't know what happened but it started working Thank you so much!