Chrome auto play Problem


New Member

Chrome version: Version 71.0.3578.98

After the latest version update, auto play function is blocked only for some users.
However, some auto-play is well used.
& autoplay = 1 part.

Indicate to some non-member users,
Chrome: chrome: // flags / # After switching from no-user to autoplay-policy, we've confirmed that the video will autoplay again.

I am currently using embede_play as an iream.

<iframe ... & mediaProviders = WebRTC, Flash, MSE, WSPlayer & autoplay = 1 & loop = 1 & mute = 1 "marginwidth =" 0 "allowmuted = muted marginheight =" 0 "playsinline frameborder =" 0 "width = scrolling = "no" allowfullscreen = "allowfullscreen"> </ iframe>
The situation has occurred from a while ago.

Could you tell me more about how you can use iframe with play.html?
How do I use the same method as automatic mute?

This is the same symptom that occurs in mobile & fish.



Staff member
Please clarify:
1. When you set autoplay=true parameter for Embed Player, it does not start playback automatically with default value of autoplay-policy Chrome flag
2. When you set autoplay-policy to No user gesture is required, playback starts automatically.
Is it right?
allowmuted = muted
Embed Player example does not support this parameter. You can use Player example to mute audio on playback start. Just replace
var currentVolumeValue = 50;
var currentVolumeValue = 0;
in WCS_HOME/client2/examples/demo/streaming/player/player.js file