We recently installed the trial version of WCS5. Now we try to setup the WebRTC stream from ip camera.
The stream should open inside the web site in the chrome browser on the specific devices.
But when we try to embed the link to the stream we encounter the strange problem.
This is a error message from the browser's console. I never seen the CORB abbreviation before and I don't have much experience in setting up the video translations.
Do not pay attention to the ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME - this one doesn't relate to the actual problem.
Can you suggest how can I fix this error?
Thanks in advance.



Staff member
CORB is not related to video relay.
It is Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB).
You are trying to insert cross-domain URL into your web page.
As we can see you are using Vue framework and the framework raises this error.
As a solution you can fix cross-domain using i.e. Nginx as a reverse proxy: should return actual website content* should return* content
Therefore you will be able to avoid cross domain issue using the same domain for iframe.

As a secondary solution to avoid cross-domain requests, you can move Player example to your website.
Thank you for your response.
Finally the main problem was that atm of the my first message my site was set up via http and your product is using https scheme. So I fired up https on the main site and everything is now good.
But my workflow doesn't require encryption. I wasn't able to figure out how can I use your player via http.
Is it theoretically possible?


Staff member
Good day.
But my workflow doesn't require encryption. I wasn't able to figure out how can I use your player via http.
Is it theoretically possible?
To work correctly with WebRTC technology, you must use secure connection to WebSocket (wss) and use your player via HTTPS. For example, WebRTC is not available in Firefox if the connection is not secure.
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Staff member
Good day.
We have checked WebRTC playback case.
WebRTC can be published via secure connection (wss) only, but can be played via unsecure one.
So, you should open the page via HTTP, establish the session to ws://wcs:8081 and play WebRTC stream. It works in Chrome, Firefox (on desktop and Android devices) and Safari (iOS). Please be aware of cross domain issues, espesially in iOS Safari.