Demo page failed to publish

Ali Moussawi

New Member
I am trying the demo page to publish video to my youtube channel,
unfortunately i got an error message saying "FAILED", and i found this in the console.

Create new session with url wss://
flashphoner.js:30336 16:58:40 INFO webrtc - Object {audio: true, video: Object}
flashphoner.js:30336 16:58:41 INFO webrtc - FOUND WEBRTC CACHED INSTANCE, id 7ad28d60-c0a7-11e7-92c0-f3bf463920c4-LOCAL_CACHED_VIDEO
webrtc-as-rtmp-republishing.js:138 Uncaught TypeError: player.setURLtoFlash is not a function
at sendDataToPlayer (
at Object.PUBLISHING (
at Object.streamRefreshHandlers.(anonymous function) [as 7aa514c0-c0a7-11e7-92c0-f3bf463920c4] (
at WebSocket.wsConnection.onmessage (