Thank you for providing the update. I replaced flashphoner.min.js, conference.js, swfobject.js, utils.js and media-provider.js with the newer ones. Other files from flashphoner we don't use.
I also updated the webcallserver to the newest version, but still get the same error:
11:19:15,441 INFO WCS4Handler - WSS-pool-9-thread-5 onConnect client: WSClient{channel=[id: 0x625a8909, / => /], handler=com.flashphoner.server.client.handler.DelegateHandler@6454975a, closed=false, pageUrl='null', countUnansweredPing=0}
11:19:15,443 INFO WCS4Handler - WSS-pool-9-thread-5 RestClientConfig for client /
"subscribe" : {
"restExclude" : "sipMessageRaw,sdp",
"clientExclude" : "sipMessageRaw,sdp",
"restOverwrite" : "",
"restOnError" : "FAIL",
"restPolicy" : "NOTIFY"
"publishStream" : {
"restExclude" : "sipMessageRaw,sdp",
"clientExclude" : "sipMessageRaw,sdp",
"restOverwrite" : "",
"restOnError" : "FAIL",
"restPolicy" : "NOTIFY"
"OnDataEvent" : {
"restExclude" : "sipMessageRaw,sdp",
"clientExclude" : "sipMessageRaw,sdp",
"restOverwrite" : "",
"restOnError" : "FAIL",
"restPolicy" : "NOTIFY"
11:19:15,472 INFO WCS4Handler - WSS-pool-9-thread-5 Connected client: ClientConfig{rtspMedia=false, wsTunnel=false, login='uk43fn8dleaa7nv5p75t2qj33h', authenticationName='null', password='null', domain='null', outboundProxy='null', localPort=-1, port=0, visibleName='null', regRequired=false, applicationName='null', swfUrl='null', useProxy=true, qValue='null', pAssociatedUri='null', contactParams='null', authDate=Thu Aug 24 11:19:15 UTC 2017, authToken='/', logsFolderName='null', clientVersion='0.5.23', clientOSVersion='5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.116 Safari/537.36 Edge/15.15063', clientBrowserVersion='Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.116 Safari/537.36 Edge/15.15063', wsTunnelPacketization2='false', custom='{custom={login=adviser}}'}
11:20:01,045 INFO G - RTMP-BOSS-pool-2-thread-1 opened channel: [id: 0x439d37ac, / => /] OPEN
11:20:01,046 INFO G - RTMP-pool-3-thread-2 channel closed: [id: 0x439d37ac, / :> /] CLOSED
11:20:01,048 ERROR G - RTMP-pool-3-thread-2 RTMP error null
11:20:01,137 INFO G - RTMP-BOSS-pool-2-thread-1 opened channel: [id: 0x63b08d67, / => /] OPEN
11:20:01,140 INFO G - RTMP-pool-3-thread-3 channel closed: [id: 0x63b08d67, / :> /] CLOSED
11:20:01,141 ERROR G - RTMP-pool-3-thread-3 RTMP error null
11:21:01,046 INFO G - RTMP-BOSS-pool-2-thread-1 opened channel: [id: 0x5fb3a50c, / => /] OPEN
11:21:01,048 INFO G - RTMP-pool-3-thread-4 channel closed: [id: 0x5fb3a50c, / :> /] CLOSED
11:21:01,048 INFO G - RTMP-BOSS-pool-2-thread-1 opened channel: [id: 0x2e4f7612, / => /] OPEN
11:21:01,051 INFO G - RTMP-pool-3-thread-5 channel closed: [id: 0x2e4f7612, / :> /] CLOSED
11:21:01,051 ERROR G - RTMP-pool-3-thread-4 RTMP error null
11:21:01,052 ERROR G - RTMP-pool-3-thread-5 RTMP error null
11:22:01,045 INFO G - RTMP-BOSS-pool-2-thread-1 opened channel: [id: 0x04450420, / => /] OPEN
11:22:01,047 INFO G - RTMP-BOSS-pool-2-thread-1 opened channel: [id: 0x63f96a7a, / => /] OPEN
11:22:01,054 INFO G - RTMP-pool-3-thread-7 channel closed: [id: 0x63f96a7a, / :> /] CLOSED
11:22:01,054 ERROR G - RTMP-pool-3-thread-7 RTMP error null
11:22:01,055 INFO G - RTMP-pool-3-thread-6 channel closed: [id: 0x04450420, / :> /] CLOSED
11:22:01,055 ERROR G - RTMP-pool-3-thread-6 RTMP error null
11:22:40,961 INFO WSClient - WSS-pool-9-thread-5 Close connection for channel [id: 0x625a8909, / => /] with status code: 1000 ; reason: Normal disconnect