Failed by DTLS error


Some of our users get this error when they try to stream from home network 'Failed by DTLS error ', they say that it works from another network with same devices(laptop/mobile) do you have any idea why this would this happen? all info found about this error is related to old browser / WCS version which is not the case here.
Thank you!


Staff member
Good day.
they say that it works from another network with same devices(laptop/mobile) do you have any idea why this would this happen?
Seems like in one network either media ports or DTLS packets are blocked, and in another network not. For example, in some countries UDP DTLS packets may be blocked using DPI. Switching to TCP transport may help in this case.


Some users get random 'Failed by ICE keep alive', 'Failed by ICE timeout', 'Failed by DTLS error', sometimes they stream without problem sometimes one of this error pops randomly. We are using transport: 'TCP' on client publish, and wcs version 5.2.1627.
Do we need to set others configurations to force TCP or ?
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Staff member
You don't need to set TCP transport at server side if you set it at client.
Seems like DTLS is filtered on some networks. In this case, only network change will help (from on provider or mobile operator to another).
Another option is to use HLS for playback and RTMP or SRT for publishing, it is not usually blocked, but provides a more delay comparing to WebRTC.