Faraz Ahmed
Is there any way to by default show webcam preview on demo page and when we click on start button then streaming start.
Your all demos not show webcam preview by default instead when you click on start button then webcam preview shows and streaming start.
For example we want when we click on WebRTC as RTMP re-publishing demo default webcam preview should be shown automatically and when we click on start button then it should start streaming to RTMP target details.
Is it possible?
Is there any way to by default show webcam preview on demo page and when we click on start button then streaming start.
Your all demos not show webcam preview by default instead when you click on start button then webcam preview shows and streaming start.
For example we want when we click on WebRTC as RTMP re-publishing demo default webcam preview should be shown automatically and when we click on start button then it should start streaming to RTMP target details.
Is it possible?