P Petro O. Bochan Member May 12, 2023 #1 Hello, in the "frameDecoded" method we may use the "writePixel" function to modify the original frame pixels. Can we do the same with "pcmDecoded" method and modify the original audio packet? Thanks, P
Hello, in the "frameDecoded" method we may use the "writePixel" function to modify the original frame pixels. Can we do the same with "pcmDecoded" method and modify the original audio packet? Thanks, P
Max Administrator Staff member May 12, 2023 #2 Good day. Your pcmDecoded implementation receives a byte array by reference Code: public void pcmDecoded(String streamName, byte[] pcm, int samplingRate, int numChannels, long timestamp) Then this array is passed to internal audio processor. So you can try to modify received packet bytes in pcmDecoded method.
Good day. Your pcmDecoded implementation receives a byte array by reference Code: public void pcmDecoded(String streamName, byte[] pcm, int samplingRate, int numChannels, long timestamp) Then this array is passed to internal audio processor. So you can try to modify received packet bytes in pcmDecoded method.