Hi, I'm trying to pass audio from my server to the client via WCS.
Publish rtsp opus audio
Play webrtc over turn
I sometime succeed to play the audio and sometimes fail.
WCS version 5.2.945
I've attached flashphoner log from my last case.
In this case I'm publishing rtsp stream, failed on the first time I'm trying to play it ("Failed by ICE timeout"), and succeeded on the second attempt.
Stream name: hssId_BOS-C5-2-6-cradle_VIRTUAL_02-60E5F12E_H264
I appreciate your help.
Publish rtsp opus audio
Play webrtc over turn
I sometime succeed to play the audio and sometimes fail.
WCS version 5.2.945
I've attached flashphoner log from my last case.
In this case I'm publishing rtsp stream, failed on the first time I'm trying to play it ("Failed by ICE timeout"), and succeeded on the second attempt.
Stream name: hssId_BOS-C5-2-6-cradle_VIRTUAL_02-60E5F12E_H264
I appreciate your help.
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