Perhaps your REST request is not valid. It should be POST HTTP request with application/json content type.
As you can see it works on our demo-server.
View attachment 1046
If you are trying to open
https://wcs5-us.flashphoner.com:8444/rest-api over plain https GET query, it won't work.
Please check out REST API docs:
https://docs.flashphoner.com/display/WCS5EN/API overview
thank you sir.
i am calling from your web demo to my sip it is not connecting it showing "Established" but it is not connecting to my sip.
if i am using sip port 5080 it showing PENDING ,if i am using sip port 5060 it showing ESTABLISHING
but it is not initiating the call.
if i am checking in inspect it showing
"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)"
my sip account details are
"callId": "111",
"callee": "111",
"rtmpUrl": "rtmp://",
"rtmpStream": "stream1",
"hasAudio": "true",
"hasVideo": "true",
"connection": {
"sipLogin": "111",
"sipPassword": "Premasai@12345",
"sipAuthenticationName": "111",
"sipDomain": "myconference.sip.us1.twilio.com",
"sipPort": "5060",
"sipRegisterRequired": "false",
"appKey": "callApp"
if i am using your demo server call is establishing but it is not connecting
please help me sir..
why it is not connecting please help me sir.
Thank you sir.