I check the lot , it look all is same message and I get message from the log file. it not show the video rate ?
how I can enable push_log at client side ?
2017. Report login: vucuoe2ajb56vvij7jde7l8488 authName: null port: -1 OS: null browser: null
Folder with logs: client_logs/2017-09-06/vucuoe2ajb56vvij7jde7l8488-14-09-49
Report Text: Report by disconnect
CONF: ClientConfig{rtspMedia=false, wsTunnel=false, login='vucuoe2ajb56vvij7jde7l8488', authenticationName='null', password='null', domain='null', outboundProxy='null', localPort=-1, port=0, visibleName='null', regRequired=false, applicationName='null', swfUrl='null', useProxy=true, qValue='null', pAssociatedUri='null', contactParams='null', authDate=Wed Sep 06 14:09:49 MYT 2017, authToken='kelvin-HLS', logsFolderName='null', clientVersion='null', clientOSVersion='null', clientBrowserVersion='null', wsTunnelPacketization2='false', custom='{}'}
IMPL: com.flashphoner.server.B.A@7c9cdb15
Client didn't pushed logs to server, try to enable push_log at client side.
[-- END CLIENT LOG ----]