The screen sharing option requires additional actions by the browser. For example, for Google Chrome you need to install the Flashphoner Screen Sharing extension.Good day.
Try screen sharing on a test server:
The screen sharing option requires additional actions by the browser. For example, for Google Chrome you need to install the Flashphoner Screen Sharing extension.Code:
Which browser are you using?
Also, please send a screenshot of your error.
tar -xvzf flashphoner-api-
cd flashphoner-api-0.5.28
yes | cp -Rf * /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/client2
Cloudflare CDN declares support for MPEG-DASH and HLS streaming only. So you should play stream as HLS or use another CDN. For example, you can deploy your own CDN based on WCS for WebRTC streaming.if I'm using Cloudflare CND Screensharing says "PUBLISHING" but a player "Failed"
You can use REST hooks to authorize users, so they can not play video even by direct link. The detailed example how to authorize users by domain is described this seen just by F12 users will get my player link and they will see scream content without login in the portal
You cannot change user accounts on the web interface by logging in as a Demo user, you need to use the login account Admin.once login by demo, can't change the password.
ssh -p 2001 admin@localhost
passwd demo