SDK not working in release mode


New Member
The SDK is behaving very strange. When I keep my target in debug mode everything works fine and "fpwcsRoomManagerEventConnected" event gets called. As soon as I change my target to release mode, "fpwcsRoomManagerEventFailed" event gets called.

Any Idea about how to fix that?

We are using conference app only from your GIT sample. We built Sample app from GIT and run that project using all steps provided in your guide.

Then we copy pasted the code of the conference in our app and ran the build, it was working fine in debug mode.
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Staff member
What is your websocket connection URL?
I'm testing our application in release mode:
I'm able to connect to wss://
However I can't connect by IP wss:// because connection is insecure
Try to test with our server:
If it works, try to import SSL certificates on your WCS server and make sure your connection is secure.