Server runs fine but when click publish this shows in logs

George Kosch

New Member
15:25:12,333 INFO agerRemoteRmiService - RMI TCP Connection(118)-ipremoved RECEIVED REST OBJECT <==
"nodeId" : "AZP3yEJFvMlNjttUwGQJFzMmkztliarE@ipremoved",
"appKey" : "roomApp",
"sessionId" : "/Ip removed:57948/ip removed:8443",
"mediaSessionId" : "d8de09f1-2184-11e8-8d62-9f1feadc51ba",
"name" : "room-ce71b6-asdf-d8de",
"published" : true,
"hasVideo" : true,
"hasAudio" : true,
"status" : "FAILED",
"record" : false,
"width" : 0,
"height" : 0,
"bitrate" : 0,
"quality" : 0,
"mediaProvider" : "WebRTC",
"history" : false,
"name" : "room-ce71b6"
My video shows fine but the publish button fails every time. SSL is fine on the page showing green in google.


Staff member
You can see more information in WCS_HOME/logs/server_logs/flashphoner.log
Please share your log under spoiler.
What is your server version?
service webcallserver update
To see your existing version and available updates.

George Kosch

New Member
06:11:39,275 INFO ShutdownHandler - Thread-10 Shutting down WebSocket connections
06:11:39,277 INFO ShutdownHandler - Thread-11 Shutting down WebSocket connections
06:11:39,276 INFO ShutdownHandler - Thread-6 Shutting down RTMP Connections
06:11:39,276 INFO ativeShutdownHandler - Thread-5 Shutting down native libs
06:11:39,276 INFO ShutdownHandler - Thread-9 Shutting down RTMFP Connections
06:11:39,279 INFO ShutdownHandler - Thread-11 WebSocket connections closed
06:11:39,275 INFO ShutdownHandler - Thread-12 Shutting down Rtsp sessions
06:11:39,279 INFO Sessions - Thread-9 shutdown
06:11:39,278 INFO ShutdownHandler - Thread-10 WebSocket connections closed
06:11:39,283 INFO ShutdownHandler - Thread-6 RTMP connections closed
06:11:39,296 INFO ShutdownHandler - Thread-12 Rtsp sessions closed
06:11:39,306 INFO ShutdownHandler - Thread-9 RTMFP connections closed
06:11:39,355 INFO ativeShutdownHandler - Thread-5 Done
06:13:25,460 INFO Config - main Reloading config...
06:13:25,462 INFO Config - main RTMP_PORT = 1935
06:13:25,463 INFO Config - main RTMFP_PORT = 1935
06:13:25,463 INFO Config - main WS_PORT = 8080
06:13:25,464 INFO Config - main WSS_PORT = 8443
06:13:25,465 INFO Config - main SSL_SESSION_CACHE_SIZE = 0
06:13:25,465 INFO Config - main SSL_SESSION_TIMEOUT = 0
06:13:25,467 INFO Config - main WSS_KEYSTORE_FILE = /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/conf/wss.jks
06:13:25,468 INFO Config - main WSS_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD = password
06:13:25,468 INFO Config - main WSS_CERT_PASSWORD = password
06:13:25,469 INFO Config - main KEEP_ALIVE_ALGORITHM = HIGH_LEVEL
06:13:25,469 INFO Config - main KEEP_ALIVE_SERVER = 5000
06:13:25,469 INFO Config - main KEEP_ALIVE_PEER = 2000
06:13:25,470 INFO Config - main CLIENT_HANDLER: null
06:13:25,470 INFO Config - main SEND_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE is wrong
06:13:25,470 INFO Config - main SEND_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE = 1600
06:13:25,470 INFO Config - main KEEP_ALIVE_PROBES = 10
06:13:25,471 INFO Config - main KEEP_ALIVE_SESSIONS_ENABLED: false
06:13:25,471 INFO Config - main SESSION_IDLE_TIMEOUT: 300000
06:13:25,471 INFO Config - main PREEMPTIVE_STREAMS: false
06:13:25,471 INFO Config - main FLUSH_AUDIO_INTERVAL = 80
06:13:25,472 INFO Config - main FLUSH_VIDEO_INTERVAL = 0
06:13:25,472 INFO Config - main DATAGRAM_CHANNEL_FACTORY = NioDatagramChannelFactory
06:13:25,472 INFO Config - main HTTP_PORT: 8081
06:13:25,473 INFO Config - main HTTPS_PORT: 8444
06:13:25,473 INFO Config - main HTTPS_ENABLED: true
06:13:25,473 INFO Config - main HLS_HTTP_PORT: 8082
06:13:25,474 INFO Config - main HLS_HTTPS_PORT: 8445
06:13:25,474 INFO Config - main HLS_ENABLED: true
06:13:25,474 INFO Config - main RTSP_PORT: 554
06:13:25,475 INFO Config - main RTSP_SERVER_ENABLED: true
06:13:25,475 INFO Config - main LOAD_BALANCING_ENABLED: false
06:13:25,475 INFO Config - main LOAD_BALANCING_SERVERS: null
06:13:25,475 INFO Config - main WS_ADDRESS:
06:13:25,476 INFO Config - main WSS_ADDRESS:
06:13:25,476 INFO Config - main RTMFP_ADDRESS:
06:13:25,476 INFO Config - main HLS_ADDRESS:
06:13:25,476 INFO Config - main HTTP_ADDRESS:
06:13:25,477 INFO Config - main HTTPS_ADDRESS:
06:13:25,477 INFO Config - main RTSP_ADDRESS:
06:13:25,477 INFO Config - main AUDIO_STREAM_MODE_UDP: true
06:13:25,477 INFO Config - main VIDEO_STREAM_MODE_UDP: false
06:13:25,488 INFO Config - main TRACE_SOCKET_FD: false
06:13:25,489 INFO Config - main CLI_ENABLED: false
06:13:25,489 INFO Config - main RMI_PORT: 1098
06:13:25,490 INFO Config - main FLASH_POLICY_PORT: 843
06:13:25,490 INFO Config - main USE_RTMP_SERVER_SOCKET_TIMEOUT: false
06:13:25,493 INFO Config - main RTMP_SERVER_SOCKET_TIMEOUT: 30
06:13:25,493 INFO Server - main PID file: /var/run/
06:13:25,494 INFO Server - main Starting server...
"flashphoner.log" 1335L, 95018C

George Kosch

New Member
Here is same result after updating to the latest version:
06:26:01,709 INFO agerRemoteRmiService - RMI TCP Connection(12)- RECEIVED REST OBJECT <==
"nodeId" : "AZP3yEJFvMlNjttUwGQJFzMmkztliarE@192.254.",
"appKey" : "roomApp",
"sessionId" : "/99.255.:63918/",
"mediaSessionId" : "a8b19751-2202-11e8-abd5-5b64e09f3374",
"name" : "room-4af9c6-tester-a8b1",
"published" : true,
"hasVideo" : true,
"hasAudio" : true,
"status" : "FAILED",
"audioCodec" : "opus",
"info" : "Failed by ICE timeout",
"record" : false,
"width" : 0,
"height" : 0,
"bitrate" : 0,
"quality" : 0,
"createDate" : 1520425546602,
"mediaProvider" : "WebRTC",
"history" : false,
"name" : "room-4af9c6"


Staff member
We have checked your configuration.
It looks valid.
However you need to setup firewall.
UDP port range 31000-33000 should be open.
So UDP packets sent from browser should be successfully received by server.
UDP packets sent from server should be successfully received by browser.
Here you can find docs how to check if ports are open:
Make sure UDP ports are open and reachable as described above.
To simplify testing you can completely disable firewall or relocate WCS server to a testing server with public static IP address and with disabled firewall.