Standalone License


New Member
Hi I'm interested in the Standalone License, I wanted to know:
- does the maximum number of users supported depend on the hardware?
- How many maximum number of webrtc to RTMP re-publishing does it support?
- is there a release of the h265 codec?


Staff member
Good day.
does the maximum number of users supported depend on the hardware?
Yes, the maximum publishers and players number depends on hardware used only. The license itself does not apply any limits. Please refer to this page for license types and limits.
Please also refer to this page for minimal hardware configuration test results and recommendations for various use cases.
How many maximum number of webrtc to RTMP re-publishing does it support?
Currently, WebRTC to RTMP republishing uses stream transcoding. This operation requires a CPU resources, one CPU core approximately to republish 5 360p streams, 3 480p streams, 2 720p ctreams or 1 1080p stream. Therefore, the maximum number of streams republished depend on stream parameters and hardware configuration.
is there a release of the h265 codec?
Currently, H265 is not supported.


New Member
If I understand correctly, use as a webrtc publication (with h264 codec) and republication to another serves in rtmp (h264 codec) is not recommended?
In our case it is a videochat development with about 1000 publications at the same time. Advice on how to make the most of your server?


Staff member
republication to another serves in rtmp (h264 codec) is not recommended?
Not "not recommended", it just should be taken into account that in the currently available version transcoding may be enabled in the case, and then there is a limit on the number of republished streams which can be processed depending on the stream parameters and hardware configuration.
There is already an open issue under development for the redundant transcoding when pushing stream as RTMP using REST request (WCS-2457). After the fix, transcoding will not be enabled in the case when stream is pushed with the same video resolution and there will not be those limits on the maximum number of streams.

Also, stream can be republished to another RTMP server not only using the push REST request but by specifying the RTMP URL when publishing WebRTC (WebRTC as RTMP re-publishing example), and there is no video transcoding in that case.

More information on republishing as RTMP is here.
(Currently, there is also another known issue with auto started (rtmp_push_auto_start=true) push as RTMP of WebRTC stream: no audio and video.)


New Member
If I understand correctly after the fix, if I keep the same video and audio resolution, transcoding is not necessary.
When will the fix be ready?