On one server there is the meanwhile very old FP 2.1 running since ages. This year I got a second time an abuse message from my data center owner. Someone complained that there were live streams distributing sports streams from a portuguisian tv broadcaster. There first time I simply answered with "That's bullshit." (surly written in more polite words). The second time I thought that I should have a deeper look onto the server and I found some Wowza streams wich potentially do not belong to my streaming service. My questions: Is it possible to log into the Wowza-Server without knowing the server's root passwort? And if so, how can I prevent others from using it?
Thank you and best regards,
On one server there is the meanwhile very old FP 2.1 running since ages. This year I got a second time an abuse message from my data center owner. Someone complained that there were live streams distributing sports streams from a portuguisian tv broadcaster. There first time I simply answered with "That's bullshit." (surly written in more polite words). The second time I thought that I should have a deeper look onto the server and I found some Wowza streams wich potentially do not belong to my streaming service. My questions: Is it possible to log into the Wowza-Server without knowing the server's root passwort? And if so, how can I prevent others from using it?
Thank you and best regards,