RTSP not working


New Member
I was using "Embedding an RTSP player in a web page" to stream IP camera to my website when suddenly it stopped working today, I was trying to access the flashphoner.js, but it states that access is denied.


Staff member
Good day.
I was trying to access the flashphoner.js, but it states that access is denied.
The script is currently available by the URL from example code: https://flashphoner-downloads.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/builds/WEB-SDK/2.0/current/flashphoner.js
Same here te difference here says that im disconected, yesterday it was working just fine today not working
The demo server used in example accidentally failed. It is working now.


New Member
Thank you so much. Is there any documentation if I want to build my own server instead of using the DEMO? I am not experienced in these applications and I'm trying to learn. Much appreciated.