Search results

  1. Max

    Recording RTSP stream

    Hello, By default, records are saved to /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/records. Record file name template is specified by stream_record_policy_template. The template can be changed to include stream name (':' and '/' will be replaced with '_'). The parameters can be configured in...
  2. Max

    Streams handling

    Thanks for clarification @tharun_n so you have maximum 225 Mbps bandwidth (with 10% reserved) for configuration you use. The bandwidth is enough for 200 streams of 1 Mbps each, or 100 incoming RTSP streams and 100 outgoing WebRTC streams (one per each subscriber). This is more than a maximum...
  3. Max

    Question regarding audio streaming

    Please look at Media Device example source code. To allow user to choose the microphone, you should: 1. Iterate through the all audio input devices code Flashphoner.getMediaDevices(null, true).then(function (list) { (device) { var audio =...
  4. Max

    Streams handling

    Hello Take a look at this It is a load test for 1 CPU, 12 cores, 24 threads; 96 Gb RAM; Result: 1000 RTSP streams You have to carry out your own load tests to see the capacity of your instance. Please be noted...
  5. Max

    Question regarding audio streaming

    Good day. Please check if Mic selector is working in Media Devices example If the microphone you need is not in list, then it probably is not available for browser. The system audio can be captured in Chromium browser only when capturing a screen
  6. Max

    embed player failing

    Try to escape character @ in the password Replace rtsp://admin:pass@word@localhost:554/live.sdp With rtsp://admin:pass%40word@localhost:554/live.sdp Works in our test. Please note. The "admin" and "pass@word" should be URL encoded before sending to the player. Or you can modify embed...
  7. Max

    embed player failing

    You can set valid RTSP URL and add your custom URL as a text comment
  8. Max

    License behavior on server crash

    Hello Each running and activated server sends pings. 3-4 pings per hour. If at least one ping sent within the hour, the billing system will calculate this as a unit. Example1 10:01 AM - Server A sends ping 10:15 AM - Server B sends ping 10:30 AM - Server A was crashed 10:45 AM - Server B...
  9. Max

    embed player failing

    Hello Could you provide the RTSP link? We will check. You can also send RTSP link via the private form.
  10. Max

    Cropping video

    Good day. You can implement a custom Java class to intercept every frame and crop it programmatically: Decoded frames interception and handling Another way is to use stream mixer with a special cropping layout, but this only crops a central area of the stream picture: Crop around center zero...
  11. Max

    missing videoCodec item in json

    Good day. A typical stream flow is: 1. PENDING - WebRTC connection is establishing, no media traffic yet, stream codecs is unknown 2. PUBLISHING - WebRTC connection is established, media traffic is sent from client, stream codec can be detected 3. UNPUBLISHED or FAILED - streaming is stopped by...
  12. Max

    Не могу запустить в докере

    Привет. Мы не тестировали запуск под Windows 11 в Docker. Потребуется некоторое время чтобы проверить запуск. Для Windows обычно рекомендуем запуск WSL
  13. Max

    Question about FlashPhoner on Chrome macOS Monterey 12.2

    We've updated demo server to the latest build 5.2.1131 and WebSDK 2.0.212. In this case, the problem is reproducing randomly in Chrome 98.0.4758.80 on MacOS 12.2. Seems like the issue is ih hardware H264 encoder parameters. There are the following workarounds: 1. Publish VP8 codec instead of...
  14. Max

    Question about FlashPhoner on Chrome macOS Monterey 12.2

    Good day Please reproduce the issue in Two Way Streaming example. If it's reproducing please provide Chrome Dev Tools console screenshot.
  15. Max

    Could not resolve project :fp_wcs_api.

    Please clarify: what exactly result you've got on every step (1, 2, 3, 4)? Also check if examples are built correctly with Gradle from command line.
  16. Max

    Flashphoner.init() multiple times

    Yes, ICE connection is establishing only for WebRTC publishing/playback. And seems this is broken yet on some of Samsung devices (but on good old flagships like S10/S10+ ICE works correctly both in Chrome and Samsung browser). So, we have to wait for Samsung fix and use Firefox as workaround.
  17. Max

    Flashphoner.init() multiple times

    Thank you for investigation. Please, check if the problem is reproducing in latest Samsung browser build (they may fix it in proprietary browser). If this is not fixed yet, try also to publish VP8 in Media Devices example: If codec stripping does not help, seems like Firefox is the only...
  18. Max

    Flashphoner.init() multiple times

    As you mentioned in this post, other WebRTC examples (AppRTC, TrickleICE) also does not work properly in Samsung browser. We use the standard WebRTC API (getUsersMedia, PeerConnection etc) in all the browsers. So the problem is not in WebSDK, but in WebRTC implementation in the browser. Also, we...
  19. Max

    Could not resolve project :fp_wcs_api.

    The examples should be configured for building: a special script adds the downloaded library version to dependencies, sets the minimal targetSDK etc.
  20. Max

    My WCS instance is currently not working.

    Hello We don't have access to your instance. Please send SSH access details using this form. Then we will be able to check.